Duties of Parents and Children

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TEXT: Parental Duties: Deuteronomy 6:7; Proverbs 22:6; 2 Corinthians 12:14; Ephesians 6:4; 1 Timothy 3:4; Titus 2:4-5; Instructions to Children: Deuteronomy 27:16; Proverbs 20:11; Proverbs 23:22; Ephesians 6:1-3


The students will be able to list certain parental duties established by God’s Word, including the responsibility to love, teach, train, provide for, nurture, and control their children. The Scripture also teaches that children should obey and honor their parents. By adhering to these guidelines, both parents and children will reap God’s reward.


In the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy we read of Moses exhorting the Children of Israel through the inspiration of God. He tells them that they should love the Lord with all their heart, soul, and mind, and that they should teach this diligently to their children from the time they get up until the time they go to bed, when they are sitting and when they are walking.

As we read the history of the Children of Israel we see that Moses was right in his exhortation. As long as the people kept the Lord first, and they taught their children to do the same, the Lord honored them. But when they rejected God they suffered defeat and many times sudden death.

Even so today we find that if parents do not train a child according to the Word of God, but rather reject the Lord’s teachings on parental duties, the next generation will possibly be completely ignorant of God and His love and not see the importance of serving Him.


Countless volumes have been written by educators, psychologists, and learned writers in regard to the education and upbringing of children. They seem to feel that if this or that course were followed the ills of mankind would be greatly reduced. How sad that many do not promote God’s plan for rearing children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. That would, indeed, make the world a better place in which to live.

  1. In the home, parents are responsible for teaching a child the Word of God. Why is Bible reading and study so important?

    Response: Discussion should bring out that it was a command to the Children of Israel (Deuteronomy 6:6-7). By establishing the Word of God in the hearts of their children, parents will provide them with the knowledge of how to live peaceably with their family and associates, and also how to please God, and eventually make Heaven their home. Many children come from homes where the Bible is neglected or completely ignored. Discuss with your class ways in which these children could ease the study of the Word into their family life.
  2. Explain in your own words what Proverbs 22:6 means. Consider the concern, time, and financial resources parents will invest in various types of secular education or training, in the hope of securing particular goals for their children. If the primary goal for one’s children is that they make Heaven, what priority will be placed upon spiritual training?

    Response: Allow time for your students to give their explanations of Proverbs 22:6. They will no doubt conclude that this verse does not necessarily refer to athletic training, business training, or any worldly pursuit. It means that the child should be trained to serve God. Obviously, if the parents’ primary goal is the child’s spiritual gain, spiritual training will receive the highest priority.
  3. In 2 Corinthians 12:14, Paul makes a statement to the Corinthians regarding his feeling that they should not be financially burdened with his needs. To what parental duty is he referring? See 1 Timothy 5:8.

    Response: These verses bring out that the parents have an obligation to provide for their children. Have your class parallel this provision of the parent to that of our heavenly Father for His children. Parental provision is one of the benefits we receive when staying in the home of our parents. If we leave that home, we relinquish that benefit. In the same way, if we step out of our heavenly Father’s protection, we relinquish our right to claim His care and provision.
  4. The father’s duty is to correct and admonish his child, even though this may cause the child to become angry. With this thought in mind, what is your explanation of the key verse?

    Response: Discussion of the key verse will likely bring out that a parent should not correct a child unjustly or with undue severity. There is a great difference between disciplining with a feeling of anger or revenge, and disciplining with love. In some instances, parents may insist on conformity from a selfish point of view, with no good reason for the demands they make. Compare this with the manner in which God disciplines us, the methods He uses, His patience, and our response.
  5. Paul’s exhortation is that the young women should love their husbands and children. Give several hypothetical situations where showing love to a child or teenager is a vital part of the response to the situation.

    Response: Allow time for your class to present their situations, bringing out why showing love is so important. The conclusion should be reached that any form of discipline will be much more effective if it is administered in a true spirit of love. Discuss with your class how the lack of love in homes is the cause of many juvenile problems.
  6. Our text says that if you honor father and mother your days may be prolonged and that it will go well with you. What do you think honor means and how could it prolong your days?

    Response: The dictionary definition of honor is, “to respect greatly, regard highly, to esteem.” Direct your class in talking about specific ways this attitude will be evidenced toward one’s parents. As they discuss how this might prolong one’s days upon the earth, they might mention a lessening of harmful tension and stress. An obedient and respectful attitude toward parental authority could well be reflected in the same type of attitude toward other authority figures such as the schoolteacher, employer, and officers of the law. This makes for a more agreeable and harmonious life.
  7. Tell in your own words what Proverbs 20:11 means.

    Response: Ask your students to offer their answers. Your discussion should reveal that actions speak louder than words. A child who is well-behaved and obedient is a pleasure to be around, but it should be noted that a child who is rebellious and disobedient is also known by his doings.
  8. Since Proverbs 23:22 was written many centuries ago, do you think it still applies today? Why?

    Response: Yes. The same God that inspired the writer of Proverbs to pen His words, also gave Paul a like message in Ephesians 6:2; so we can be assured that the message is the same today.
  9. Under Moses’ Law, a curse was pronounced on those who dishonored or despised their parents. In what way is a parallel in force in our day?

    Response: Your students’ responses to this question should be summarized by pointing out that at the time the Children of Israel came from Egypt, the only Law to which they were subject was given by God. This was executed speedily by Moses and the elders. In this country today it would probably be hard to find a law that would govern honoring our parents. However, God’s law is still in force. He requires the same obedience and honor from children in this day as He did in the time of Moses. Disobedience to this law becomes a transgression, and will become a part of the record in the books kept by God.
  10. What do you think is the most important factor in having a happy home?

    Response: Your class discussion should bring out that all of man’s efforts to have a happy home will ultimately fail if Christ is not the Head of the household. Wealth, education, travel, fame, sports, amusements—all will fail to bring any lasting peace or joy. As a wrap-up, discuss ways in which it will be obvious if Christ is, in actuality, the Head of the home.


Bring a nice looking, healthy plant to class. Talk about how the plant must have water, sunlight, and pruning in order to branch out and grow well. Liken this to the love and discipline needed in raising a child.

Prepare a series of photos of a child, beginning with newborn and progressing through childhood. Discuss the changes as you look from one picture to the next. Then discuss what evidences of spiritual growth we would like to see in our children.

Bring a grow chart or baby book which records a child’s physical growth. Bring out the fact that many parents keep record of this aspect of their child’s development. How much care do they exert in keeping a watchful eye on the child’s spiritual development?

Show your students several sweet things from your kitchen cupboard. Ask them if a steady diet of this would be nutritious. Why or why not? Discuss the need for a well-rounded spiritual diet—instruction in morals, principles, duties, responsibilities, etc. Bring out that just as parents are responsible for the physical diet of their children, they are also responsible for their spiritual nourishment.

Bring to class a new sponge that is tightly compressed and has not yet been in water. Bring several solutions of various colors. Dip a corner in each solution while explaining that a child’s mind is much like a sponge in that it readily absorbs whatever it comes into contact with. Thus, it is the responsibility of the parents to regulate the influences to which their child is exposed.

Show your students a group of items indicative of a particular age group: a rattle, teddy bear, transistor radio, hot rod magazine, shawl. Use these to show how the things we are interested in can indicate our age or maturity level. In the same way, the things we are concerned about spiritually may reflect our growth as Christians.
