Learning to WAIT

The Inner Man
The Inner Man for Students

The very thought of continually waiting on God is to some a burden, or a form of bondage. To others it may be something of minor importance. It is vital that, as Christians, we do not mistake the true nature of waiting on God, and so underestimate its worth.

Waiting on God is a privilege and an exercise of patience and love which requires no super intelligence or deed of daring. In waiting on God, we are following the example of our Master and Lord. Luke tells us how Jesus “went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God” (Luke 6:12). By continuing in prayer, He was able to do what the Father gave Him to do and speak what the Father told Him to speak. Let us endeavor to be more like the Master by waiting on God.

  1. In Isaiah 40:29-30 the prophet lets us know that weakness and faintness come even to the young. However, continuing on in Isaiah 40:31 we find four promises. What are they, and how do we qualify for them?
  2. In reading Psalm 37:1,7-8 we find the phrase, “Fret not thyself . . . “ A teacher of the past century said, “Fretfulness springs from a determination to have your own way.” In the “Now” generation in which we live, the Psalmist’s advice is usable for the young as well as the old. Read Psalm 37:3-7 and list the positive actions mentioned in these verses that are the opposite of fretting.
  3. Someone once said that in “waiting on Him, we become more like Him.” In studying the life of John the Beloved, we find this to be true. John leaned on Jesus’ breast and loved the Lord devotedly. And he was probably closer to the Lord than any of the other Apostles. You will not find the word “wait” in John 15:1-11, but an equivalent word is used. What is that word? List the blessings that we will receive by following Christ’s admonition.
  4. Expect answers to your prayers! Learn to wait patiently, knowing that God’s promises are “yea, and in him, Amen” to them that believe. Read Habakkuk 2:3 and find what the prophet admonishes us to do. Why is it necessary to wait patiently? What happens when we fail to tarry as we should?
  5. The prophet Daniel was a godly man, and a man of prayer. He had learned to wait on God when the answers to his petitions did not come immediately. Read Daniel 10:1-21 and determine how long he waited on God on this occasion, and what he did during that time. What happened when this period of tarrying ended?
  6. Paul, in writing to the church at Corinth, admonished the saints there to “come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 1:7). Certainly this should be the ultimate goal for every Christian. To be ready for the Rapture should be a part of our prayers every day, for we are nearing the very moment of His coming. How can we be sure we are ready?

A precious saint of God waited faithfully for thirty years before God brought about her husband’s conversion through a series of events that caused him to want the Lord more than anything else. What if she had failed to wait patiently through the trying times? What if she had not tarried in prayer or had failed to abide in Christ? Let us be among those who “rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him” (Psalm 37:7).


KEY TEXTS: Psalm 37:1,3-8; Isaiah 40:29-31; Daniel 10:1-21; Habakkuk 2:3; Luke 6:12; John 15:1-11; 1 Corinthians 1:7

OTHER SCRIPTURES USED: Isaiah 30:18; Matthew 25:1-13; 1 Corinthians 1:8
