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Search Unit 07 - "It's All Yours, Lord"

TEXT: Exodus 17:8-14; 1 Samuel 30:18-25; Matthew 10:41-42


The students will be able to describe how and why a supporting role in the Lord’s service is as important as the role which is more obviously seen of man.


In Scripture, the word hand occurs over 1,600 times. Besides its literal use, it occurs many times in a figurative sense as well. To “put one’s hand upon the head,” means blessing, as in Genesis 48:14. In 1 Timothy 4:14 and 2 Timothy 1:6, it signifies ordination. The Hebrew expression, “to consecrate,” would be literally, “to fill the hand,” thus intimating that without consecration we have little or nothing to offer to God.

David asked in Psalm 24, “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?” and answered, “He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart.”


When our hearts have been consecrated to God, we have given Him direct access to our lives. From that point on, our speech will be directed by God. Our feet will be following Him—going where He leads. And when our feet have taken us to the area where He would have us serve, our hands must be ready to perform the task God has for each of us, be it great or small.

  1. Moses, Joshua, Aaron, and Hur had a particular part in the fight against Amalek. Outline the sequence of events described in our text, and describe what part each of these men played.

    Response: Joshua went down to fight, while Moses, Aaron, and Hur proceeded to the top of the hill. While Moses held up his hands, Israel prevailed. When his hands got heavy and he let them down, Amalek prevailed. Moses sat on a stone, with Aaron and Hur holding up his hands, until Joshua discomfited Amalek. Direct your students’ awareness to the fact that Aaron and Hur were in the right place in the heat of the battle. Although not in the limelight of the battle, the role they enacted in this Scripture was vital and has been written as part of a memorial for our admonition.
  2. How were the hearts, tongues, feet, and hands of the four men named in question 1 involved in this sequence of events?

    Response: After students have discussed their answers, which of these—heart, tongue, feet, and hands— was most important? All were important. Help your students to expand on the importance of using all their faculties in getting a job done in the service of the Lord.
  3. How were these four men doing what is commanded in our key verse? Explain the verse and write how you think it applies to our lives.

    Response: They were doing what their hands found to do as was needed at that time. Discuss responses with the students, and help them recognize that they will enjoy God’s favor as they perform tasks that are in accordance with God’s will and the needs at hand. The outcome of the warfare depended on their willingness to perform the task that was made obvious. Help your students to develop the thought that we must be alert to a need and then be willing to proceed accordingly.
  4. What do we learn from Matthew 10:41,42? Phrase your explanation using a present-day situation.

    Response: Allow time for your students to give their answers. They might bring out the thought that any simple task that is done for the Lord will be noticed and will bring its reward. Then refer them to Matthew 25:42 and 46. Show them through the Scriptures that those who fail to do the menial tasks the Lord has called them to do will be left outside the gates of Heaven.
  5. In 1 Samuel 30:24, what is meant by, “so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff: they shall part alike”? Give an application that would have meaning to us today.

    Response: Listen to the students’ responses, and help them conclude that all participants share equally in the reward. Your students should see that it is the faithfulness in doing a task that brings the reward.
  6. Given below are some Scripture references to hands. Can you identify the situations given and the people involved?
    Proverbs 31:20
    Matthew 14:31
    Mark 9:27
    Mark 10:16
    Acts 3:7
    Acts 9:41

    Response: Proverbs 31:20 — Virtuous woman aids poor
    Matthew 14:31 — Jesus draws Peter from waves
    Mark 9:27 — Jesus heals demoniac
    Mark 10:16 — Jesus blesses children
    Acts 3:7 — Peter heals lame man
    Acts 9:41 — Peter raises Dorcas
    Discussion should revolve around the fact that their hands, and what they do with them, are tools for reaching out to humanity. Responses should include that we may not have the same power as Jesus and Peter to heal the sick and raise the dead. But most of us can use our hands to help alleviate the suffering of the sick and needy.
  7. How does our present-day situation differ from the four men listed at the first of our lesson? How is it alike?

    Response: The difference may be that it is unlikely they will be called to stand out on a battlefield, engaged in physical conflict. But they are engaged in spiritual warfare and must be as willing to be supportive and to do their part as these men were.
  8. List several things that can be accomplished for the Lord with your hands.

    Response: Your students should be able to come up with quite a list: picking up paper from the church floor, replacing hymn books in the racks, numerous other jobs in the line of tidying up, playing an instrument, pass out church papers and tracts, etc.


Bring a magnet and some nails to class. A magnet has great drawing power. Compare it to the power of God, of the One who said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me” (John 12:32). Have a nail lying sideways at the foot of the magnet. This represents the person who is willing to sit at the feet of Jesus. Touch the magnet to the nail, showing how once the nail has come in touch with the source of power it can lift other nails up. Tell how a person who has given his heart to Jesus, has some of the power of God on his life to work for Him. A soul winner is one who is in touch with God.

Show your class several candles of various colors—red, blue, green, etc. Tell them that these candles of different colors represent people: The red one pictures a girl in a red dress; the blue candle, a boy in a blue shirt. The candles each have a wick but give forth no light until they are lit. So it is with boys and girls; they need to have the Lord Jesus, the “Light of the World,” in their hearts.

Form a prayer chain. List things and people to pray for as a class.

Find a task that the class could perform on a Saturday, for example, cleaning up the church grounds.

Bring a small wagon and a silver chain with one of the middle links made of aluminum foil. Fasten chain through wagon handle, asking one of the students to pull the wagon. When the aluminum foil link breaks, point out that every link in the chain is very important and should be supportive in the Lord’s work. Just one link broke, but it kept the whole chain form doing its job. (Try first to make sure foil will break.)
