Overcoming Temptation

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Search Unit 02 - Who Is Jesus?

TEXT: Luke 4:1-15


The students will be able to relate the account of Christ overcoming temptation. They should further be able to identify what temptation is, and enumerate several ways in which it can be resisted.


Jesus shows us that the vital key to facing temptation victoriously is the Spirit: “And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness . . . and Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee.”

As we read Luke’s account of Jesus’ temptation, we can see that Satan worked in such a way as to question Jesus’ claim to being the Son of God. Satan said, “If” You are the Son of God. He also offered Jesus all power and glory on the condition that Jesus would worship him [Satan], even though all power and glory already belonged to Jesus. The only way Satan can start to get a hold on a man’s heart is to put a doubt in his mind. The Bible records the temptations of numerous people, but two accounts of temptation stand out above all others and in stark contrast to each other—the temptation of Adam and Eve and that of Jesus Christ—but in both, the devil started out creating (or trying to create) doubt. Adam and Eve were tempted in the paradise called Eden, and Jesus was alone in the wilderness. Adam was tempted through his helpmate Eve, and Jesus was tempted personally and directly by Satan. Adam and Eve were in a garden surrounded by plenty, while Jesus was in a wilderness and almost at the point of starvation. Adam yielded to Satan’s temptation and sin was brought into the world. Christ resisted temptation and conquered sin. Adam’s disobedience forced him out of the Garden and severed his relationship with God. Jesus’ obedience brought Him into a closer relationship with His Father who eventually received Him into Glory.

After Jesus was baptized by John, at first glance it would seem that He was tempted with three simple desires: food, fame, and power. But a closer look shows that Satan’s temptations were not quite that simple. Instead they were food without work, fame without accomplishment, and power without effort. Satan still uses these tools as he works to tempt man away from following God.


What better way could Jesus understand our problems and temptations and show us how to overcome them than to face them Himself? Hebrews 4:15 tells us that He “was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” Since He has been through suffering and temptation He knows what it is like when we suffer and are tempted, and He is wonderfully able to help us. See Hebrews 2:18.

  1. What did Jesus possess that helps in overcoming temptation? See verse 1. Can we have the same help?

    Response: After Jesus was baptized in water, the Holy Ghost descended on Him as a dove (Luke 3:21-22), and verse 1 tells us He was full of the Holy Ghost. We, too, can be filled with that same power—the baptism of the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:8). Ephesians 6:11 helps us understand that having on the whole armor of God also helps us stand against the wiles of the devil.
  2. Would it have been wrong for Jesus to have turned that stone into bread? Give a reason for your answer.

    Response: Yes, it would have been wrong because it was a suggestion of the devil, not God. Ask your students if there would ever be an occasion when it would be allowable to do what Satan suggests. Your students should conclude that if they know Satan is prompting them to do something, they had better not give in to him, for he always has an ulterior motive. One thing will lead to another, and it will always be away from God. You may also wish to touch on the point that Christ did not have to prove He was the Son of God. Satan knew very well that Jesus was God’s Son.
  3. What did Satan use in trying to cause the Lord to accept his offer of the kingdoms of the world? Were these kingdoms his to give?

    Response: Satan tried to employ pride and greed to cause Jesus to want what he offered. Satan is a usurper and had no right to offer what Jesus himself helped create, and what was already His. See Daniel 7:14.
  4. When Satan tempted Jesus to worship him, how did the Lord answer him? Can we defeat Satan in the same manner?

    Response: Jesus told Satan, “Get thee behind me,” and used Scripture to prove that we are to worship God only. Help your students understand that they, too, can use Scripture to defeat Satan. We are told to resist the devil and he will flee from us. See James 4:7.
  5. As a last resort, Satan also tried using Scripture to make his final temptation acceptable to the Lord. What was that Scripture, and how does Satan use Scripture when trying to deceive people today?

    Response: Satan quoted Psalm 91:11-12, but his was a deliberate misuse of God’s Word. The intent of that Scripture concerns those who accidentally stumble, not those who would willfully cast themselves from a high place. Today, Satan uses false prophets who twist the Scriptures to their own destruction and the destruction of those who follow them. See 2 Peter 3:16.
  6. What is temptation, and will it come to a well-established Christian? Is it sin?

    Response: Temptation means “enticement, allurement, attraction to do evil or to become lax in our spiritual responsibilities.” No matter what our spiritual standing, we will be subject to temptation as long as we live. But it is only if we yield to temptation that it becomes sin. You may wish to broaden your discussion of this question by asking your students what type of temptation might commonly come to a new Christian, or to a Christian with many years of serving the Lord behind him. The point should be made that the devil is cunning and will seek to attack at the most vulnerable point. He will not tempt a well-established Christian with an all-out violation of God’s commandments, but Satan may tempt that Christian in ways which might cause him to become lukewarm. That alone could cause him to eventually lose his salvation.
  7. Write several ways by which we can overcome temptation.

    Response: “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation” (Matthew 26:41). Shun evil companions (Proverbs 24:1). Pay your vows (Ecclesiastes 5:5). Guard your tongue (James 1:26). Be careful what you read or look at. Don’t enter any place that you would not take the Lord. Be careful what you listen to. Allow time for your class to share what they have written, and to think of other ways in which they might overcome temptation. Review the key verse to wrap up your discussion of this question.
  8. While God has made it possible for everyone to be overcomers, what should a person do if he has yielded to the temptation to sin? See Revelation 2:5.

    Response: We must repent and seek again to be justified by Christ. Ask your students to enumerate some Bible characters who yielded to temptation, but subsequently repented and were restored to God’s favor: Jonah, David, Peter, etc. Wrap up your lesson by using 1 Corinthians 15:57 and 2 Corinthians 2:14, showing that victory over every temptation of the enemy is possible through Jesus Christ.


Use two hand puppets and illustrate a few short, simple temptations, and a response for each. Make some good, some bad. Have students keep a personal tally of right and wrong responses.

Show a fishing pole and a fly for catching fish. Describe how, in order to catch a fish we must tempt the fish by using attractive bait. Satan also uses attractive things to fool or tempt us.

In large letters on construction paper, write several Scriptures that can help us fight the enemy (a different colored paper for each Scripture). Back the paper with felt or flannel material, then cut each verse into individual words. Give each child a set of words, and as they are unscrambled put them on a flannel board. Discuss how we can use God’s Word against the devil. Recite each verse together several times. Take out key words and say them again as a method in helping to plant the promises in the children’s hearts. The following are a few possibilities of Scriptures to use: Deuteronomy 33:25; Proverbs 3:6; Isaiah 40:31; Hebrews 13:5; James 4:7; 1 John 4:4; Revelation 12:11.

Divide your class into two groups. Give each student a piece of paper with the word TEMPTATION written down the left margin. Allow the students five minutes to see which group can come up with the most words (beginning with the letters in temptation) naming things we might be tempted to do. Give one point for each word. Five extra points can be given if a student names something for every letter.

Show your students a duck decoy and a duck call. Explain that in the same sense that these items are used, Satan often uses objects and words to try to fool or tempt us into thinking wrong is right.
