The students will be able to tell that Jesus will return to earth someday in the same way He left—in a cloud. They will be able to describe how they can be ready to meet Him and go to Heaven with Him.
Introduction: Pack a suitcase as described under In Class Activities. Open your session by asking your students "When do we pack a suitcase?" They will answer that we do this when we are planning to go somewhere. Tell them that if we have Jesus in our hearts, we are planning to go somewhere very special, but we have to be ready.
Climax: Just as Christ ascended into the heavens, the angels declared that He would come again.
Conclusion: Jesus will return someday to receive those who are ready to meet Him, and take them to Heaven. It is vital for us to prepare for that day.
Response: The students will know that Jesus will return some day. They will be able to tell what we must do to be ready to meet the Lord in the air.
There are many Scriptures that pertain to the second coming of Christ. They need to be studied carefully as it is very clear that there are two phases to His second coming. The first phase is the rapture of the saints. This is detailed in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, "The dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." In 1 Corinthians 15:52-53 we read that our mortal bodies will be changed to immortal in the twinkling of an eye. We are warned to be ready because Jesus will come as a thief in the night, and those who are not prepared will be left. Jesus spoke about two sleeping in a bed, the one taken and the other left; two women grinding at the mill, one taken and the other left; two in a field, the one taken, the other left.
The second phase is when Jesus comes as King of kings, and every eye shall see Him. He will overthrow the armies of the Antichrist, bind the Devil and cast him into the bottomless pit, and reign upon the throne of David. (See Isaiah 9:6-7; Daniel 7:14; Zechariah 14:9.) The Jews will realize that Jesus, whom they spurned two thousand years before, is indeed the promised Messiah.
Special Instructions for Unit 32: Refer to Lesson 21 e for additional ideas.
Open your review by explaining that God has given us some instructions regarding things we must do in order to be ready when He comes. Tell your group that you are going to give them a set of instructions, and whoever has finished it by the time a preset alarm goes off will get a small treat. Give them a list of several things to do: write out their memory verse, turn to a certain verse in the Bible and read it to their teacher, etc. (Adjust the instructions and time length according to the ability of your group.) When the timer goes off and treats have been awarded, liken this to the rewards that will be received by those who are ready when Jesus comes back.
Dramatize a short skit beginning with receiving a letter announcing the arrival of relatives. You are not sure of the time when they will come but it will be soon. Make a number of preparations such as putting on good clothes, fixing a nice dinner, being sure the house is clean, calling others to tell of the expected arrival. Compare this to our anticipation because Jesus will soon be coming, even though we don't know the exact time. What kind of preparation are we making for His return?