Ralph Faber

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

Surely God saves all kinds of people. If this were not so, I would not be a Christian. I was taken to Sunday school and church as a little boy, but didn’t grasp that a person could pray through until they knew they were right with God. I prayed many times, but I didn’t pray through to the knowledge that my sins were gone.

When I came out of high school, I went the way of the world. I rode the freight trains and tried that side of life. I lived in the hobo jungles, following the railroads, and going from house to house, working in restaurants to get my meals. That type of life didn’t satisfy because God had put something in my heart that demanded reality.

Then I turned to the other side of life. I got a college education and became an electrical engineer. I got a good job in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I had men working for me, and I had everything going my way. I should have been happy in that kind of life, but I didn’t have peace, joy, or rest on the inside. God was just faithful enough to my soul to talk to me and convince me that I was a sinner. I planned to pray and seek Him someday, but I kept putting it off for another time, a more convenient season.

Oh, I thank God for His mercy to my soul! He cornered me up one day. I came to the very crossroads of my life. As I look back now, I believe it was my last chance. God required a decision: Would I serve Him or not? He had been talking to me for months about the way I was living. He had been dealing with my heart over my sins. That day, I chose Christ; I turned my back on my sins, my worldly friends, and that good job. I went seeking God.

I had heard about the Apostolic Faith people. My mother was given one of their papers when I was just a boy and then received it regularly for a number of years. She used to tell me, “One thing we know: those people are right; they have the old-time religion.” So when I began to seek God, I knew where to go. I traveled 3,000 miles across the country to Portland, Oregon, because I wanted the old-time religion.

When I prayed, God made a wonderful change in my life! He gave me peace and rest. He also gave me a love for His Word. I am glad the Gospel is real and I was able to prove it for myself.