Minnie Pink

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I was a defeated woman when God came into my life. I was brought up in a good home, but we never knew Jesus. Mother never allowed me to go into the world, but I used to crave the things of the world. The grills of the automobiles looked very glittery to me.

When I left that home, I was not used to work, so I drifted into the deeper sins. I traveled in Europe for almost five months, running around day and night. I saw the Colosseum in Rome, and the catacombs; I went down the Appian Way; I saw where St. Paul was beheaded; and I visited St. Peter’s Cathedral. After I had all the pleasure my heart desired, there was still an aching void in my life.

I paid dearly for pleasure. The drink habit fastened on me, and I cared for only it. I suffered terribly from nightmares and deliriums. When I took that first glass of wine as a moral girl, I never thought the time would come when I could not get away from it.

Many a night when the patrol wagon would drive up to my door and land me behind the bars with the delirium tremors, I would wonder how it was all going to end. I did a two-year term behind bars. While there, I yearned for whiskey and cigarettes, and managed to obtain both. For smoking a cigarette, I was put on bread and water for seventeen days at a time, and left to lay on old dirty blankets in the dungeon, but it was a habit I could not break in my own strength.

Jail bars, reform, and even the dungeons never did the work. I came out more hardened than ever. For seven years, I lived that awful life. I was reaping what I had sowed.

After getting out of jail, I went home to my gray-haired mother. When I saw the tears trickling down her cheeks, I thought, For Mother’s sake, I will try to do better. But I could not do it. Those haunts of shame would come up before me, and I would go away for two or three days at a time and drink and drink. My mother was bent over with age, and would look so sad.

One night I said, “Oh God, if there is a God, take me out of this misery!” I believe God heard that prayer. He brought me out West where I heard this mighty Gospel. One night I wandered into an Apostolic Faith  meeting, tired of a life of sin. I had been drinking for four days and my nerves were twitching with whiskey. I sat in my seat and lifted my heart to God, and He came down in my soul that night and made me a clean, pure woman. The next day there was no more desire in me for a drink.

I was a miserable woman of the underworld when I came to Jesus. I was hardened by a life of shame, and I wondered if there was any way out of that life of sin. Then Jesus came into my heart—the lovely Christ that died on Calvary saved me from all my sins. He transformed me. He caused me to go back over that life of sin and pay back the money to the ones I had robbed, and confess to the officers that I had sold whiskey without a license. Oh, the Gospel is real. It is so real!

For many years now I have been doing what I know is God’s will, and He has kept His hand over my life. I praise God for all of His goodness.