Arvilla Jernberg

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

My parents were Christians ever since I can remember. They came in contact with the Apostolic Faith Church before they were even married. Missionaries, Forrest and Sally Damron, were holding revival meetings in Missouri, and I think that is when my dad got saved. After that, my parents married, moved to another state, and lived on a homestead.

They were not content, because there was no church in the area, and they wanted to bring me up to be a Christian. They prayed and the Lord opened the way for them to move to Portland, Oregon. Our family arrived just after camp meeting one year. I was so young that I remember very little of the trip, but I do remember our first night on the campground. It was spent in a tent under a tree that used to stand where the parking lot is now.

I was raised in a Christian home, but that did not make a Christian out of me. I had to get down on my knees and pray, asking the Lord to forgive my sins and change my desires. He heard my prayer and put such happiness and peace in my heart.

I have had the privilege of singing in the choir and playing in the orchestra. I am thankful I can give my life in service to God. He has given me something that stands fast when things go wrong.