Charles Mosee

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I want to be a salesman for Jesus. I am in the electric appliance business, and can tell my customers that the refrigerator we have is the best to be had for the money. That is only a small comparison with being a salesman for Jesus. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is real. It is good. It is the greatest thing in the world. I began to live when Jesus came into my heart.

I was out seeking the things of this world, seeing what the world had to offer in thrills, looking for whatever I could find to satisfy. If the world had satisfaction to give, I would have found it.

I had things to live for. I started out as a gym leader and athletic instructor in high school. I performed on the stage; I fought night after night in the square ring. I used to steal the show time after time. As a lad, I knew how it felt to hear the crowd hooting and howling after a performance of ten or fifteen rounds, while I stood with my right hand raised in victory.

On my nineteenth birthday, I had my right hand raised over my head as the Northwest Champion. Anyone would think that as a boy I was well on my way to fame. The very next morning, though, as I pillowed my head, I wondered what it was all about. The trouble was my heart was not right with God. I was on the wrong path. I was not seeking in the right channels.

God knows how to deal with each and every individual. He got me in a small sawmill town where He could talk to me. Then, in an Apostolic Faith service, He definitely called me. There was no question about the Voice of God. A great fear crept over me, for I knew that God was just as well as merciful. I went back to work, but things were not the same after that.

I prayed a few times, but did not get saved right away. Finally, fearing that God would not take me in, in desperation I poured out my heart to Him. A great transformation took place. When God came in, all the trouble went out, and He gave me joy and victory.