George Kaady

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I was born in the Bible Land, and raised on Mt. Lebanon. I was taken to church where I confessed my sins to the priest. I was told that Jesus died for us, and that was all there was to it. I always believed in Jesus in my head, but I couldn’t believe in my heart that Jesus was the Savior. After confessing my sins to the priest, I would go out of the church and do the same sins again.

One day, the Lord opened the way for me to move to the United States of America. I was brought to Portland, Oregon. I thought I would make a few dollars and then go back to the old country and make something of myself. Instead, I went deep into sin; I went into sinful places where the people of God never go—the pool halls, dance halls, and theaters. I was a gambler, also.

One day, while on the job, I met some real Christians. I was working in a boiler shop when I noticed some Apostolic Faith people sitting out on the dock. They bowed their heads and prayed over their food before they ate their lunch. When they began to pray, the Lord talked to my heart. Then one of the brothers took the Bible and began to read it. I had never seen anything like that. Something down in my heart said, You ought to be one of those people; they are real Christians.

One of the men asked me to go with him to his place of worship. He said God would deliver me from sin. I could hardly believe that, but I went with him. I heard testimonies of people having been saved and delivered from sin, people of all nationalities: Scandinavians, Syrians, and Chinese. Conviction came upon me. I knew I was a sinner, and I was hungry for the truth. God showed me there is reality in the Gospel and that I, too, could be free from sin. I went to the altar of prayer and asked those people to pray for me. They prayed for me and their prayers reached the Throne of God. I repented of my sins and I got honest. I said, “O God, if You will give me what these people have, I will give You my life.” I meant it from the depths of my heart. God saved me and delivered me from sin.

I went back home and told my wife and all my neighbors that God had saved me. They asked, “How can you know you are saved?” I said, “Heaven came into my heart.” I did not want to commit sin anymore.

God gave me power to live a life of victory over sin. I enjoy this wonderful salvation.