Olaf Tonning

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I was born in Norway, and had a feeling since childhood that there was something in the Gospel for me, but my family was in complete darkness.

Before I turned seventeen, I moved to the United States and roamed around from one place to another. I was sad, under conviction, and seeking for salvation, but never met any people who were sure of their ground who could tell me the way.

I thought perhaps going back home would make me happy, so I returned to Norway. I found, though, when God begins to call one away from sin, there is no happiness until salvation is received. After a few days of visiting with my friends, the joy of being home was gone and I felt burdened again.  

While at home, I sought God for three months, when alone in my room. I kept a Bible under my pillow, and turned on the light many times during the night to read it. Then, on Easter of 1921, I sat on the side of my bed and asked, “What is the use of praying anymore?” Right then, God showed me plainly what the problem was. I realized that I had not repented in all that time, and I had not taken a real stand for God and for His truth. I told God I was sorry for my sins and said, “If You will save me, I will give You my life and serve You for as long as I live.” Then the power came down.

Thinking it was my duty to take care of my parents, I built a new home for us, but the Lord was not pleased with my plans. I began to feel miserable. Then someone gave me an Apostolic Faith paper from Portland, Oregon. I rejoiced knowing there were people on earth who believed the Bible. I made contact with the Apostolic Faith people in Stavanger, Norway, and asked them to send ministers to baptize me in the river near our home. In 1925, Olaf Kostol and Carl Lohrbauer came to Stryn, Norway, for special meetings and four of us were baptized in water at that time. All the townspeople lined the riverbank on both sides to see how it would turn out. I knew it was God’s will, so I was not afraid to obey His Word and go down into the water. That same year, I spent Christmas with the saints in Stavanger and received sanctification.

I no longer felt satisfied with my life as it was, so in 1926 my sister and her husband moved in with my parents to take care of them while I left for Portland. Two years later, I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. In 1937, after I had been preaching for about two years, I was ordained as a minister in the Apostolic Faith organization.

From 1938 to 1952, I had the privilege of serving the Lord in Los Angeles, California. Then for one year, I returned to my homeland to participate in revival meetings held in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, and Sweden. After my return, I served in Dallas, Oregon, for six years.

I praise God for the privileges I have had to tell the Gospel story and pray for others. I love this Gospel and would like to see the whole world receive it.

Olaf Tonning was appointed District Overseer of our Scandinavian work in 1962 and held that position until his health failed in 1973.