Ellen Anderson

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

My mother had been looking for the old-time religion, but couldn’t seem to find it. Then one day, a man of our nationality, Finnish, came to put a new roof on our house. My mother could see that he was different, a real Christian. He was a minister in the Apostolic Faith Church and invited her to a meeting.

She attended some of the services, and saw that the people had just what she wanted. One day, when the altar call was given, she went forward and gave her heart to the Lord. From that time on she was a staunch Christian in our home, though she had to stand alone. She lived the Christian life before us children and my father.

What a change came into our home when my mother found the old-time religion! Before she was saved, she used to take us children to the shows and theaters on Sunday afternoons. After the Lord converted her, she started sending us to Sunday school and bringing us to church. She told us that we had to be born again to make Heaven. I was only five years old the first time I walked up the stairs to the Apostolic Faith Mission, but even at that young age, I could feel the Spirit of God there.

The truth of God’s Word was planted in my heart at a young age, but I thought I would wait until I was older to give my life to the Lord. First, I wanted to go to the shows and dances with other young people.  

My mother kept praying for me, and I never seemed to be able to enjoy myself when I was out with the young crowd. When I was sixteen years old, I became seriously ill, almost paralyzed. I was in bed and couldn’t move at all. The Lord talked to me and showed me I might not have a chance to be saved when older. I promised Him there that if He would heal me, I would go to church and give my life to Him.  

The Lord took me at my word. He healed me, and I kept my promise. I went forward after a service and knelt at the altar and asked the Lord to forgive my sins. He heard my prayer and saved my soul. I could take you to the very spot where the burden rolled away and the joy of salvation came into my heart. When I made deeper consecrations, He sanctified me wholly, and then baptized me with the Holy Ghost.

Through the years, working in the business world, I have found the Lord to be my ever-present Friend, closer than a brother. He has been my Healer, and solved many hard problems for me. And I have the hope of Heaven at the end of this life.