Prelude: Barrett Oilar (pictured) played a French horn solo of “It Is Well with My Soul.”
Featured Testimonies: Franchesca Mom expressed gratitude for the Christian examples in her life. Rosie Lambert said how much she appreciates the the love and the prayers of the family of God, especially at times like when she lost her dad a number of years ago, and more recently, her mother. Cheryl Paulsen spoke of an opportunity she had a few weeks ago to share the Gospel at an appointment when the physical therapist kept asking questions, and commented on what a comfort it must be to know one is ready for Heaven. Josh Friesen gave thanks for God’s protection when he was driving to Corvallis recently and a car spun out in front of him but did not hit him. Larry Buckland shared that at Christmas time he had a bad cold, but his wife put in a prayer request for him, and the next morning he was fine.
First Special: The choir sang “I’ve Anchored in Jesus.”
Last Special: Aaron Hoskin sang “Consider the Lilies.”
Sermon: Randy Baltzell read from Acts 16:13-14 and said that when a person makes the effort to seek God, He will be faithful to teach, to lead, and to give victory.