Prelude: A serenaders group played “What Child Is This?” and “Joy to the World.” A young men’s ensemble then sang “Go, Tell It on the Mountain.”
Featured Testimonies: Mackenzie Ewers expressed gratitude that she was raised in a Christian home and was saved at a young age. Harmony Hinkle thanked the Lord that she was saved when she was eight years old. Chet King testified that God sent someone his way to invite him to church and he was saved over fifty years ago. Lee Voreis followed by saying that he was saved over sixty-two years ago.
First Special: The choir sang “The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy.”
Last Special: Victoria Heintz (pictured) sang “Jesu Bambino.”
Sermon: Gary Riler read Deuteronomy 6:4, reminding everyone how important it is to be completely surrendered to the Lord and to love Him and let Him have His way in their lives.