Prelude: Marcus Luka (pictured) played a trombone solo of “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” and “When the Saints Go Marching In." The choir then sang “Are You Dressed for the Wedding?”
First Special: Jennifer and Genevieve Worthington and Diana Baros sang “Not the Same.”
Featured Testimonies: Jennifer Worthington said she is thankful she was saved when she was eight and that it took the anger out of her heart. Genevieve Worthington appreciated God’s faithfulness to guide her with future plans and for giving her a good family and church family. Diana Baros gave thanks that she is saved and sanctified and that God has really blessed her life.
Last Special: Randy Baltzell sang “Bring All Your Needs to the Altar.”
Sermon: Gary Riler read Matthew 7:7, reminding the congregation that they can ask God for what they need, and He will be faithful to answer.