Prelude: The young people’s orchestra played “Mighty to Save” and "Mighty Is Our God.” The young people’s choir, with soloist Maya Nedelcu, then sang “Don’t You Wanna Go?”
Featured Testimonies: Franchesca Mom thanked the Lord for saving her in 2017 and for always being with her. Annika Ewers said she is thankful to be at camp and that the Lord has been blessing her and is leading her. Mackenzie Ewers expressed gratitude that she was saved at a young age and later sanctified and baptized.
First Special: A young ladies’ quartet (pictured) sang “How Can I Keep from Singing?”
Last Special: The young people’s choir, with soloist Susan Asaya, sang “Way Maker.”
Sermon: Erik Calhoun read Revelation 16:15 as his text, and urged those present to be ready for Jesus’ soon return, because it could happen any time.