On January 27, the Portland young people got together for a youth focus session in the Fellowship Lodge. The evening started off with dinner consisting of sloppy joes and steak-cut French fries. Each table had Hawaiian-inspired place settings with Scripture art containing verses such as Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God." After dinner, strawberry cheesecake was served for dessert.
When the meal was over, activities began. The games were inspired by the game show “Minute to Win It." Contestants had to complete a quick (and silly) challenge in order to move on to the next round. One of the challenges was moving an Oreo cookie from your forehead to your mouth, with no hands! Another one involved blowing up a balloon inside of a cup, which was a new skill for most of the participants. In the final round, the last two contestants were challenged to collect as many gummy candies as they could out of a tray of Jello. The only catch was, they could only do it with their mouths! It was very fun to watch, but also a little gross!
After the games, the group gathered and sang worship songs. Then they participated in a survey projected on the screen. The survey had a series of questions relating to their spiritual standing. One example was, “Are you saved, sanctified, and baptized?” The young people answered anonymously through their phones, and it was very interesting to see the collective responses as percentages. The night ended with a message given by Ryan Erdmann, and then a closing with prayer. In the end, it was a great evening spent together with the people of the Lord!