Ethan "Deke" Ewers

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I thank God for an anchor that is steadfast and sure, and I am thankful that my feet are fastened to that anchor. I have a hope of Heaven in my heart and I have thankfulness in my heart for the love of God and the faithfulness of His people to tell others about the way of salvation.

It was in 1931 that our family heard about being saved and living above sin. I was only five years old at the time, but I remember very well the change that came into our home after Mother and Dad were converted. We began to have family prayer every day and we children were taken to church. Though young, I was able to see which way was the best way.

From that time, I really meant to do right, but it took more than good intentions and being brought up in a good home to make me live as I should. It took a change in my heart, and I am glad the Lord made that change when I was still young. He took out the things that were wrong, the sins in my life, and gave me victory.

Later, I married a Christian girl and we have taught our children the way of truth. Much help came from the Lord in times of sickness and need.

My occupation is residential building. One time, about twenty years ago, a Christian brother and I were clearing a lot for a new home. We were using a bulldozer with heavy cables and a pulley block to remove some fir trees. Suddenly, a cable broke. I looked up just in time to see the pulley block coming my way. I had no time to move, but it seemed that a giant hand shoved me out of the way. I fell into a pile of soft dirt just as the heavy block went to the place where I had been standing. I knew the Lord had protected me.

I have found through the years it has been good to live a Christian life. I have no regret for having given my heart to God when I was young. I have peace, joy, and happiness in my heart, and I have enjoyed being right with God. Best of all, I expect to see Him some day and thank Him for His goodness to me.