Wanda Day

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I am rejoicing in the wonderful life God has given me. I do want to bring an offering of praise and gratitude to the house of God—a basket of first fruits, as it were, the best of my life and all to my God who has done so much for me.

One time I was ready to perish. I was sorely afflicted in my body. That wasn’t the worst, though, my soul was in darkness. I had the foundation of a moral standard of living and good training. I tried to build a good life from the broken foundation of good works. For years I brought these to God, expecting Him to show me favor, but there was no favor.

When my health was taken and I was in great darkness, I continued to look into God’s Word, scrutinizing my thoughts and my words to see how they measured to the Christian standard. I also prayed, and God helped me. I was home alone, on New Year’s Eve, and I prayed, “O God I know there is something wrong with my life. Will You please show me what it is? I am willing for You to show me in whatever way, through whatever means You choose, by whomsoever You send.”

It wasn’t long until the Lord showed me through His Word. I was reading in I Peter 5, where the Lord admonishes us to humble ourselves and be clothed with humility, subject one to another. I thought, “O God, I’m not willing to submit myself to others.” Then, through the cross reference in the margin of my Bible, I turned to the third chapter of James. I read there what it means to have the wisdom that is from above, that is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, full of mercy, good fruits, easily entreated. I thought, “O God, I am not easily entreated.” When I thought a thing was right, and I had an idea, I was very set in my way; no one could persuade me.

I thank God that He helped me to repent. I bowed my head in shame when I heard the things He had to say to me about the sin and wrong in my life. I said, “Yes, God, I am guilty.” He gave me tears of repentance. I wept before the Lord. I asked Him to forgive me, and He did. God dropped faith in my heart to grasp His promise, and I knew I was saved. My life was changed. Those who have not experienced the new birth will not understand, because it isn’t a change of mind, it isn’t just trying to do right. I had done all that. Now, my heart was changed. I had a new life.

What has helped me most upon this way is the Word of God. God has guided and directed me. He has given me His Voice from His Word—that Voice behind me saying, “This is the way, walk ye in it.” I do praise Him for this wonderful and good life.

Right by the pulpit, one Sunday afternoon, the Lord sanctified me. Some time later, the minister preached about the mission fields. He said, “The laborers are so few.” I felt I must offer myself to go, but I knew I couldn’t go without the baptism. I knelt at a chair and poured out my heart to the Lord, and He baptized me with the Holy Ghost. I realized I was speaking in a language I didn’t know. I was so happy!

Although I have not gone very far from home, the spirit of the mission fields is in my heart, and I appreciate what I have been able to do. I do thank the Lord for victory.