Lois Frymire

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

Surely I can say it is good to serve the Lord. I can say the half has never been told. The night the Lord saved me, I didn’t think anything more wonderful could happen, but I found out it was just the beginning. I just started to pray and oh, the joy the Lord gave me that night!

I should have been a Christian long before, because I knew the way of the church was right. I used to think church-going was tedious and I would walk away, but I am glad that God kept after me. Just a young girl in high school—I shall never forget that Sunday morning. At the close of the meeting they were singing, “Lord, I’m coming home.” I wanted to go and pray that morning more than anything in the world. Someone came back and asked me if I would pray, but the opinion of my friends came before me and I said, “No.” I don’t know why I said no when I wanted to go so badly.

Only two weeks later I made my peace with God. I never spent such a miserable two weeks in all my life. It seemed conviction was so heavy upon me. The night I prayed, I poured out my heart to God. I told Him, “Lord, do make a change!” I wanted something that could keep me, so that I could live it. I was always so afraid I would not be able to live as a Christian, but I proved the devil a liar. I was just a junior in high school when I prayed that prayer. Oh, such joy and peace came in my soul; I was able to go back to school the next day and live it at school!

There were things I went through at school, tests and trials, but the Lord helped me along. He helped me later in the business world, too. Today, in my own home, I can teach my own family the right way.

Just last week, the Lord came down and proved His healing power in our home. I thank God. I do not know which way I would go if I left the Gospel. There is no other way for me. I cannot see anything out in the world that I would want that I do not have already. I have the best of it.