Herbert Barrett

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

Known as a moral man, I was considered a good example for others to follow. I never swore and never used tobacco. The only thing I ever stole was a watermelon, and even then my pride led me to try and thank the man for it rather than say I had done wrong! Those people who thought so highly of me had no idea of the sin in my heart. I was a miserable, brokenhearted man who wanted to do right.

Heaven and Hell were very real places to me. I hoped that someday I would make it to Heaven, but that hope was so far off it didn’t bring much happiness or peace to my heart. I hated sin, but though I belonged to four churches over a period of fourteen years, no one was able to tell me how to stop sinning. The only hope those preachers offered to me was to do my best, so I gritted my teeth, clenched my fists, and said I would live to please God—but I never could do it.

The smile of Heaven was on their faces.

Once, when I was under a terrible load of conviction, I drove thirteen miles with a fast team of horses because I needed to talk to my family. I pulled up to the front porch, leaped over the horse’s back, lit on the porch, and ran into the house. I told my dad and the others who were there that I was running from God. I didn’t know what else to say or how else to say it. My family members were old-time Methodists, but they had not lived the doctrines of the church for years. I suppose that if they had told me the Gospel truth, it would have put them on the spot. I told my dad, “I am sure I am on the right track,” but he just stood there like a statue. He had no answers for me. I didn’t know where else to turn. Finally, I became so discouraged, I threw up my hands and said, “I give up. I’m not going to any more churches. There is no reality there.”

Oh, how thankful I am that God knew my heart and that He did not give up on me. When I stopped trying to please God in my own strength, He sent the answer I so longed for. Three precious women visited my wife and me in our home in Eugene, Oregon. The smile of Heaven was on their faces. They told of things God had done for them. It sounded marvelous. I had never heard anything like the wonderful story they told. It agreed with God’s Word, but I worried about getting into fanaticism. I asked them, “How can I get such an experience?” They said, “Just be honest. God will help you.” That was quite a challenge to me, and I told them I would go to one of their meetings.

I praise God for that day because it put home in my heart. A fellow I used to go to school with saw me there and said, “Barrett, you can get it if you dig.” His words made me realize that if I wanted this experience from God, I needed to do something. Again, I was told, “Just be honest with God.”

I heard from Heaven!

There was very little faith in my heart, but when I knelt at the altar and began to pray, something happened; I heard from Heaven! Jesus met me there, and in the twinkling of an eye, He saved my soul. He changed my heart and gave me a love and a hope that is steadfast and sure. When I stood up from the altar, I was different. God’s glory flooded my soul.

I made a beeline for home. I took a shortcut down the railroad tracks, and I was so happy, my feet would hardly stay on the ties. In all the excitement, I wondered if this happiness would last. Would I awake in the morning and find that this wonderful change was gone? In the morning, though, the glory of God was still real in my soul. My wife went with me to the next church meeting, and she prayed too. The Lord saved her that evening, and she began singing “Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine.” This was reality.

I praise God that this salvation has lasted. I no longer struggle to serve God. He gave me faith in my heart to trust Him. He gave me a lively hope, and I praise my Lord for victory.