Each day of a camp meeting is one of continual activity. Sunday is an especially full day, with Sunday school, a morning devotional service, an afternoon youth service, and an evening evangelistic meeting. Each morning, Tuesday through Friday, a Bible teaching service is held. The three foundational spiritual experiences of justification, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost are emphasized along with practical Christian living. The challenge to spiritual progress, both personally and as the Body of Christ, is issued repeatedly throughout the services in many different ways.

Every year, many willing hands are required to take care of running the camp.

As each camp meeting goes forward, it is clear that the words of admonition are taken to heart. Meeting after meeting, those who were seeking spiritual experiences when they arrived at the camp meeting stand to their feet and glorify God for filling their needs. In fact, often so many want to testify that four or five people may be standing at one time, waiting for their turn!

At the close of each service, all are invited to pray. Many respond to the invitation and make their way to the front where they kneel in prayer, some seeking forgiveness for sins, and others praying for a closer walk with the Lord.