world report

Marvels of God Present at WECA Camp Meeting

Faith City, Igbesa
August 24, 2023

From the Superintendent's DESK

John and Rodica Musgrave are in Nigeria representing the Portland headquarters at the Western and Central Africa camp meeting. They arrived at the Faith City campground on Saturday, August 19, and have been enjoying the fellowship there. We received this report about the services that took place in the days just prior to their arrival.

Monday, August 14
There were many activities taking place in the morning and afternoon, including national music tests, a legal workshop, and the youth choir and orchestra rehearsal. In addition, those newly joining the choir received orientation, learning about proper conduct and attire for an Apostolic Faith worker.

In the evening, a presentation was given on foreign missions. After the opening prayer, Isaac Adigun, the Western and Central Africa (WECA) District Superintendent, gave an overview. He said the work in Africa is divided into two main groups of countries—those in WECA and those in Southern and Eastern Africa. Next, reports were heard from the different countries within WECA. Just one highlight of the evening was the report from Ghana. The headquarters church there is now broadcasting on three radio stations, including one that is nationwide. Also, there are many young people in the Ghana work, ready to carry the Gospel message forward.

All the countries reported that they face challenges, but God has been faithful in giving victories. At the close, Brother Isaac said the biggest challenge, whether from Muslim opposition or high prices, is acquiring land for churches. He requested prayer for the work in each of these countries. 

Tuesday, August 15
At dawn, campers gathered at the tabernacle for prayer. A short time later, the first Bible teaching of the camp meeting began with an orchestra prelude of “Nothing but the Blood,” featuring a flute solo.  The opening prayer was led by the pastor at Oke-Aro, Peter Awomoyi, and then the testimony service was reserved for those from the Oke-Aro, Delta, and Mali districts. The saints testified to the power of God to save, deliver, and heal.

A vocal quartet encouraged all to “Get Right with God” and then Kayode Ajiboye, the Oke-Aro District Overseer, gave the message on “The Sin Question.” Selecting his text from 1 John 3:4, he emphasized the difference between the penalty and consequences for sin. He also said Jesus is the only way out of sin. As the teaching ended, there was a rush to the altars of prayer.

The evening evangelistic service was special in that the youth were invited to take up the seats in the tabernacle while the older generations sat in the surrounding pavilions. The service started with an organ prelude of “Calvary Covers It All.” Later, the choir sang “The Joy of Heaven” and a soloist sang in various languages, “Let Jesus Come into Your Heart.” The testimony service was open to delegates from the Jos and Rivers districts. One sister praised God for miraculously delivering her brother from kidnappers. Another said God’s powerful hand delivered her from deafness and cancer.

The sermon was on the subject of “Jesus the Marvelous Helper.” Temitope Adebayo of the Abuja district used the account of Uzziah in 2 Chronicles 26 to highlight the marvelous help God gives. At the close, large numbers trooped to the altars in response to the invitation to pray.

Wednesday, August 16
A woodwind ensemble opened the morning Bible teaching and then the choir sang “Great Is the Lord.” The testimonies came from brethren in the Edo district, Senegal, and also from new mothers. Several told of God’s provision in their lives. The message was given by Akai Udoh and centered on “The Gospel Landmarks.” He said people must cherish and maintain them to make Heaven. Following the service, the altars filled.

A youth meeting began in the afternoon with a brass ensemble accompanying the choir for “God Is Great, Good, and Merciful.” The congregation then sang heartily before the opening prayer was given by Femi Oyewole. A trio sang “Think about His Love” to introduce the testimony service, which included several declaring God’s power to heal. Also, a brother testified that God delivered him from the sin of stealing.

The word of exhortation was given by Ayodeji Makinde. Taking his text from Jeremiah 1:5 and Joel 2:25, he spoke on “Divine Restoration.” He said the greatest marvel God wants to do is reconcile the sinner to Himself, and this opportunity for a mended relationship with God is open to all.

The evening prelude was provided by the orchestra playing “Praise the Lord” and then the choir singing a medley of “It Thrills My Soul” and “A Prayer.” Brethren from the districts of the Republic of Benin, Ghana, and Anthony had the privilege of testifying to the marvels of God. Then Rosanna William, a minister from Ebute Meta, preached on “Challenging the Challenger.” Using the example of David and Goliath, she said sin is the challenger and can only be stopped through repentance and faith in Christ. At the close, the congregation rushed forward and prayed heartily.

Thursday, August 17
In the morning, the church organ rang out inviting God’s blessing on the teaching. Then a string ensemble, accompanied by the piano, played “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less,” followed by the choir singing “Jesus of Nazareth.” The congregation sang joyfully before James Miller of Liberia gave the congregational prayer.

A vocal duet sang “He Touched Me” and the testimony service was open to brethren from the Ondo and Uyo districts, as well as Burkina Faso. One sister thanked God for healing her of cancer. Another testified that God healed her of a fever, and a brother praised God for restoring his mother’s life.

The special song before the teaching was a vocal solo of “He Has Surely Borne Our Sorrows.” The Bible teaching was titled “God’s Promises to Heal the Sick” and was given by Funso Shobowale, the Ado-Ekiti District Overseer. With text from Isaiah 53:4-5, he emphasized that God has promised to heal, and His Word is sure. At the altar call, many went to their knees in prayer.

In the afternoon, a special service was held for those from French-speaking countries. The country leader for the work in Congo, Leon Guba, gave the message on “Arise and Walk.” He read text from Exodus and emphasized that God is ready to do marvels in the lives of His children.

At the evening service, a quartet sang “We've Come this Far by Faith” for the first special, and William Ali led the congregation in prayer. Preference for the testimonies was given to brethren from Abuja and those who had been converted from Islam. One brother told how God miraculously delivered him from ritualists. A woman said that she had been a Muslim who denied Christ until she was directed to a church service where Jesus saved her soul.

A duet sang “You Must Do Something with Jesus” to usher in the Word of exhortation, delivered by Peter Ejiako, the Imo Assisting District Overseer. He read from Matthew 11:20 and spoke on “Opportunity Gained or Lost.” He cited Bartimaeus, Zacchaeus, and the thief on the cross as people who maximized spiritual opportunities and were blessed. As the sermon ended, many made their way to the altar benches to take advantage of God’s offerings in their own lives.

Friday, August 18
The morning teaching began with an orchestra prelude of “Leaving All to Follow Jesus” and a rendition by the choir of “I Surrender All.” Following, the congregational prayer was led by Marcellin Kploka, the Benin Country Leader. The testimony service was opened to brethren from the Anthony, Cross River, Kogi, and Kwara districts. Many testified to the marvels of God, including His power to heal, deliver from kidnappers, and save from sin.

A soloist sang “Lord Take My Life” before Nigeria Board Member Emmanuel Moh delivered the message on “The Value of complete Consecration.” Reading from Psalm 73, he explained that consecration is an act of dedicating oneself to God. He noted that drawing near to God is the key to receiving His marvels. At the close, he encouraged everyone to wholeheartedly surrender all to God. A concluding song of “Let Me Come Closer to Thee” was sung as many made their way to the altars to pray.

The afternoon youth service began with the choir singing “Give Me that Old Time Religion,” followed by a vocal duet of “A 911 Student.” Then the congregation sang, and Sister Oyewole led in prayer. A brief exhortation was given by Daniel Dakoru. Using the example of the three Hebrew youth, he said it is possible to take a stand for truth in a sinful environment. Then he introduced a short video titled “Be a Shining Light,” which told the story of a student living for God among sinful companions at school. It emphasized reading the Bible and praying to maintain a godly testimony. Before being dismissed for prayer, the youth were given booklets titled, “30 Days on the Road to Eternity.” Also, it was announced that the Rivers district has excelled in the ninth annual teen challenge of “Who Wants to be a Bible Giant?” The contest had been held among five districts and featured the life of Timothy Oshokoya, the Apostolic Faith’s first overseer for Africa.

The evening evangelistic service began with the choir and orchestra rendition of “I Can Tell You the Time.” This was followed by a vocal number in French, congregational singing, and prayer led by Mabel Odunsi, the WECA Youth Director. In the testimony service, foreign guests and full-time workers were heard from. They testified of God’s power to deliver from sin, evil spirits, and illness.

Before the sermon, a vocalist sang “So May You.” Then Monday Onatere from the Delta district preached on “Marvels, Wonders, and Extraordinary Manifestations of God.” He assured the saints that God would transform the life of one who repents and bless those who continue to seek Him. At the close, the assembly went to their knees in prayer.

The Musgraves arrived at the campground on Saturday in time for the annual concert, and Brother John led the opening prayer. The concert featured recitations and beautiful music highlighting some of the marvels of God, including the Kingdom of Solomon, divine protection, and Creation.

The orchestra played to the glory of God with such numbers as “The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba,” and the choir raised their voices in praise with titles like “Fear Not, O Land.” Narratives told the Creation account through “In the Beginning” and “The Heavenly Host.” These were interspersed with vocal solos, including “The Marvelous Work” by a soprano. The music featured songs in several local languages: Efik, French, Gungbe, Igbo, and Yoruba. One of these was “Edise Se Abasi Anamde” (“Come and See What the Lord Has Done”) in Efik. The concert concluded with a grand choir and orchestra number of “Sing the Lord Ye Voice of All,” followed by prayer led by Peter Okebukola of Lagos. It was a wonderful tribute to God who does all things marvelously.

The Musgraves are enjoying the continued activities at the camp meeting, including a water baptismal service held this morning, in which eight hundred candidates were water baptized.

occasion / dates
Western and Central Africa Camp Meeting
August 13-27