April 10, 2023

Christ Is Sufficient for Us

When I was a small boy, my parents learned about the Gospel while living in Mazabuka, a town in the southern part of Zambia. From that time on, they took us to Sunday school. Our family moved around because of my father’s employment, but eventually we settled in Lusaka and went to the Apostolic Faith Church there.

Even though I was taught the Word of God and went to Sunday school, I did not surrender my heart to God as a child. However, the seed of truth had been planted in my heart, and I knew when I was not doing right. The Holy Spirit convicted me, yet I did not turn to God. 

I had many friends and along with them experienced different vices that we thought would make us happy. However, eventually I became tired and depressed because of my sinful life. At age twenty, deep conviction was on my heart and I had no peace. The church was holding a youth rally, and I went with my heart set on receiving Christ. After struggling with sin, I wanted to get to the right way which offers God’s peace.

At the altar call, the people around helped by praying with me. My prayer was simply, “God be merciful to me, a sinner. Forgive me.” With that confession, I surrendered everything to God, and He did forgive me. That was wonderful! When finished praying, I stood up to leave but the people there encouraged me to go back to the altar. I did and began to feel a deeper desire to pray again, and God sanctified me. My heart was truly filled with joy! When I went home that night, my heart was so full that I could not stay there, but instead went back to the church and spent the night there.

The following morning, I realized that my life had been totally changed. The desires that I’d had before just disappeared. I parted with my old friends, and when there was peer pressure from other youths, God helped me to overcome and gave me a longing to be in His house. My mother noticed the change in me and it was a great relief to her. My relationships with my siblings also became stronger because God helped me to be a person who could be trusted and depended upon.

My heart was truly filled with joy! When I went home that night, my heart was so full that I could not stay there, but instead went back to the church and spent the night there.

Later I went to a camp meeting with the purpose to seek the baptism of the Holy Ghost. After a few days of prayer and consecration, God helped me to pray through and receive that experience, which gave me power to serve Him. Before I was saved, I had ambitions of becoming a musician and traveling the world, but the Lord had a better plan for me. In time, I became involved with music at the church. I was also able to teach Sunday school and later was asked to preach. Eventually, God would see fit to have me travel the world doing His work.

Over the years, God has been with me in many situations. Once, I was weak and bedridden for almost a month. At that time I had been working for a bank as a temporary employee. While I was ill, the bank called offering full time employment. They were opening a new branch and wanted me to work there. I asked God to give me strength, and after a few days I was able to go. Soon I realized that I was not just able to get out of bed, but God had completely healed me. I worked at that bank for ten years.

In 2007, God gave me a Christian wife, and we serve Him together. We also have three boys. God has been with us through the challenges of life, including a great deal of poverty. The Bible says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33), and that promise has been fulfilled for our family. God has brought us through and blessed us in many different ways. We cannot boast of having large amounts of this world’s goods, but Christ is sufficient for us.

In 2012, the bank transferred me from Lusaka to Chongwe in the eastern part of Lusaka Province. This was a big change for our family because Chongwe is a rural area without all the amenities that are available in the city. My prayer at that time was, “If You’re sending me there for the Gospel’s sake, I’m ready to go.” We did go, and by the grace of God, He helped us start a branch church there. We began by worshipping as a family and inviting children to learn Bible stories. Later, as we invited more people, we worshipped in different homes and then rented a classroom in a school. Eventually we began looking for our own land and were able to obtain a plot and build a simple structure on it. The church is still under development, but a little light is shining there.

Meanwhile, the bank I was working for was sold, and I was among those who were laid off. However, we decided to stay in Chongwe and continue serving God there. Then in 2019, our district leader, Brother Timothy Kaibula, was called to be with the Lord, and I was ordained as the District Superintendent for Eastern Africa. That was not expected, but I submitted to God’s call, knowing that He will guide me in any responsibility that He gives me.

One of the key lessons that God has taught me is that this spiritual journey requires total dependency upon Him. There have been times when I tried to find my own way, but then I would end up struggling. However, if we are fully dependent upon God, He will help us. We may try to find quick solutions to our problems, but the only real solution is serving Christ.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not an experiment or some theory—it’s real life! It transforms a person and pushes that one to serve Christ better. That urge to do my best for God is within me, and I hope to receive the crown of life one day.

apostolic faith magazine