Youth Ministry

History Book
History Book
History Book
For many years, the Portland church sent buses into outlying areas to bring children to an afternoon Sunday school session.

Knowing that many future workers, teachers, and ministers are being trained and motivated by these efforts, evangelism among children and young people has long been considered one of the most important outreach efforts of the Apostolic Faith organization. Ecclesiastes 12:1 says, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth,” and encouraging young people to do this is the reason for the organization’s emphasis on youth-oriented activities.

A group of children from the Beginner’s Sunday school department sing a special number on Thanksgiving Sunday.

In Portland, several times each month, the young people hold youth services. Youth choirs and orchestras participate in these services, and youthful musicians present the special vocal and instrumental numbers. Testimonies given by young people witness to the reality they have found in Christ and the satisfaction they feel in the service of the Lord. One youth minister leads the service, and another brings the message that targets the concerns and interests of this age group.

A young violinist and flautist participate in the music at a Midwest Camp.

Sometimes the prayer meetings following the youth services continue for hours, and seeking hearts are rewarded for their perseverance. Over the years, countless children and teenagers have been saved and have received their deeper spiritual experiences in these services.

Children’s church services are also held on a regular basis for the youngest members of the church family. Designed for children preschool and grade-school ages, the music and messages are age-appropriate.

Many special friendships have been forged over the years at youth camps.

Every summer since the mid-1950s, the Apostolic Faith organization has held youth camps in various locations around the United States for young people from fourth grade through high school. Away from their normal environment, they eat, play, and worship together, and as a result, the hearts of many have been changed. Games, swimming, sport competitions, and lots of energy-demanding activities are a part of each day. There are also daily chapel services, Bible learning activities, evening programs, and cabin devotional times. Counselors become personally acquainted with the young people in their charge, allowing them to identify and minister to the spiritual needs of each camper.

Jim Seely supervises the flag lowering ceremony at a youth camp in the 1960s.

Two young attendees show their Vacation Bible School crafts.

Outings and activities for the young people are scheduled at various times throughout the year. These include overnight youth retreats; activity nights featuring films, musical recitals, skits, and other types of entertainment; prayer and Bible study breakfasts; Sunday school class and department outings; and trips to neighboring branch churches for services. The activity center on the campground is also open for activities at various times.

Junior high and high school students help out at Vacation Bible School.

Though recently adopted from Korea, Aaron Parker had no trouble understanding the VBS language of fun.