W.M. Chandler

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I thank God that more than fifty years ago I gave my life to God, and He saved my soul. He blotted out my sins and wrote my name in Heaven.

God lifted me from death’s door about fifteen years ago when I was dying with two great cancers in my face. One had eaten until you could see the bone in my forehead and all down into my mouth, until the roots of two of my teeth were exposed.

The doctor told me he would have to take out my right eye in order to get at the roots of the cancer that had gone over into the socket of the eye. I told him I could stand no more. I was nothing but a nervous wreck, nothing but skin and bones—ready to go into the grave. But the next day, I am so thankful, God led me into the Mission Hall. It was there I first met the Apostolic Faith people.

I was nothing but a nervous wreck, nothing but skin and bones—ready to go into the grave.

They told me they had seen cancer wither and drop out, and had seen all manner of sickness and disease healed in answer to prayer; and that if I would believe, God would heal me. I told them that I believed every word of it. I knelt at the altar, and they anointed me with oil and prayed for me. At that moment the power of God fell on me and surged through my whole being for hours, and renovated me from head to foot. Nothing short of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ could do for me what was done that night.

I knew the cancers were healed, and to my surprise I could leap and jump. I had carried a stiff knee for thirty years; it was made nimble in the twinkling of an eye. Now for fifteen years I have been able to do the hardest kind of labor. There are a number of people in this hall who were there at the time God healed me of the cancers.

I thought that when I went back to my home, over in southern Oregon, that everybody would want to hear about it. When I left home they never expected to see me alive again. When I went back they said that the doctors cured me, but I came home and gave God the glory. God permitted another cancer to come on my face, that they might be convinced. They wanted me to go back to the doctor that had treated me, but I told them I was coming to Portland, Oregon, and the saints of God would pray for me and God would heal me. I came to Portland at that time. I went up on their platform in the church and they anointed me with oil, laid their hands on me and prayed for me, and in a few days the cancer separated from the good fl esh and came out from the bone. In two weeks’ time it was healed over as it is today. There were several hundred people saw me go up on the platform that day with that great cancer in my face; and they saw it healed before their very eyes.

Brother Roy Frymire remembers this man, that when God healed the cancer, it left a hole in his face, which Brother Chandler covered with a bandage. If anyone ever questioned why he had the bandage, Brother Chandler was ready with his testimony of how God instantly healed him.