Helen Lippert

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

When my mother first came into the Gospel, I did not want to be a Christian. I resisted the Spirit of God because I wanted the foolishness of the world. I was a worldly girl who had started going out into the dance halls and theaters when very young. I thought that was the only way a young person could have a good time.

We had a large family and there were several of us who went to these places. My mother was faithful in prayer, though. I can remember how she prayed for us; I heard her many times. She held on in prayer for me while I was out trying to find satisfaction in worldly pleasures.

In spite of my mother’s wishes, my husband and I held dances in our home. Every weekend, we celebrated, but I did not find happiness in that life. Instead, I was an unhappy person, and many times life really did not mean much to me.

My mother lived a true Christian life before me every day. This brought Holy Ghost conviction on my soul. God began speaking to my heart. It seemed I couldn’t get away from the Voice of God. Though I was stubborn and rebellious, God dealt definitely with me. I am thankful for His faithfulness, because the time came when I wanted something better than the whiskey, dance halls, and cigarettes.

After twelve years, my mother’s prayers were answered. I knelt at an altar and called on God for mercy. I asked for the same religion my mother had. My plea was heard; the Lord saved me and made a wonderful change in my heart and life. He gave me a teachable spirit.

It seems that I just began to live when Jesus saved my soul. Salvation brought a peace I never found in the paths of sin, and God gave me so much to live for.

The Lord has wrought miracles in our home, too. He healed a cancer that the doctors could not touch. I rejoice in God’s goodness, and I appreciate the old-time religion; it means more than life to me.