Betty Simpson

Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers
Gospel Pioneers

I thank God for calling me to serve Him when I was seeking for peace in the pleasures of this world and could not find it.

In 1921, my husband and I were living on a farm in Arkansas, out in the country, about two miles from a mailbox. One morning, he saddled his horse and rode out to get the mail. In the box was an Apostolic Faith paper. Oh, how I thank God for laying it on someone’s heart to send it! We never discovered who it came from, but we know God directed it to our unhappy family. There was much unrest in our home and it was about to be broken up. My heart was heavy and discouraged, and I had been longing for a way out of my troubles. I had not known which way to turn, but many times my heart had cried out to God to help me.

In that little paper, I read the testimonies of people who had been redeemed through the precious Blood of Jesus, and I found that God still hears and answers prayer. I said, “If I could only get what those people have, I believe I would be happy.”

God put a desire in my heart to write to the headquarters in Portland, Oregon, where the paper was printed. I asked for prayer that salvation would come to our home. As I wrote that letter, I was miserable, unhappy, and brokenhearted. I wanted to commit suicide, but I knew I was not right with God and I was afraid to meet Him in judgment. Those people prayed, and God began to work.

A few years later, my husband and I had the privilege of kneeling at an altar of prayer in one of the Midwest Apostolic Faith churches. The people of God prayed with us, and I poured out my heart to the Lord. He saved my soul and lifted the burden of sin from my life. That burden had been so heavy, but Jesus took it away and made a wonderful change in my heart.

My husband was saved as well, and peace was restored in our family. We have had a happy Christian home for almost fifty years. We brought up our son to love the Lord, and when he became old enough to realize his need of God, he also cried out to the Lord and was saved. He has been giving his life in active service ever since.

The Lord has never failed me. When I came to the Apostolic Faith, I had no health; I could not do a day’s work. But when I was prayed for, the Lord healed me and restored my health. I love the Lord. Serving Him has brought great joy to me, and I want to be prepared to be among the Bride of Christ when He returns.