world report

UK Camp Meeting Begins

Newtown, Wales
July 25, 2022

From the Superintendent's DESK

Debbie and I are in the United Kingdom (UK) for the annual camp meeting, which began on Sunday, July 24, after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic. Representatives are in attendance from eight countries in addition to the UK. These include Denmark, France, Germany, the Republic of Ireland, Nigeria, St. Vincent, and the United States. The camp meeting is scheduled to continue through July 31 with some of the attendees offering reports throughout. Here is the first report.   

At various locations across the UK, many gathered on Saturday, July 23, to travel together to the Cefn Lea Park in Wales where the camp meeting is held. At the UK Midlands gathering place, the excitement was palpable as people with beaming faces began arriving much earlier than expected. It is easy to imagine that the atmosphere was similar in the other locations as well.

The arrival at Wales was met by not-so-welcoming showery weather. However, that did very little to dampen everyone’s excitement. There were lots of greetings, hugs, and laughter as many had not seen each other in three years. In a way, the weather provided a sign of the revival waiting to pour down.

In the cool of the evening after dinner, everyone congregated in the hall for the official welcome meeting. It featured singing, an opening prayer, and an address by Mark Mfandarahwa, the UK and Western Europe District Superintendent. In addition, details about the week’s activities were given, including morning teachings, youth services, and evening evangelistic meetings.

Sunday, 24 July

The first Sunday morning of the camp meeting began with warm but cloudy weather and a service starting at 9:30. The sight in the hall was a familiar one: people filled the auditorium, and the gallery space was opened to allow for more seating. Sunday school was followed by a devotional service. Brother Mark welcomed the congregation and read greetings with assurances of prayer support from various branch churches around the world. After some hearty singing, music from the choir and orchestra, and the Scripture reading, Superintendent General Darrel Lee preached the opening sermon on “Feasting at God’s table.”

The second service of the day was delivered by the youth. It began with a piano prelude followed by a choir rendition of “God Is Still Doing Great Things.” It was wonderful to see young people filling the entire platform. The sermon was delivered by Comfort Moyo, who took his text from Hebrews 13:8 and spoke on the promise of Jesus being the same “yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” He also encouraged the youth to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8).

The evening service featured beautiful music from the choir and orchestra, including a vocal solo and trumpet ensemble. During the service, several testimonies were shared about God’s ability to provide, heal, and bless His people. The service ended with a word of encouragement by Toyin Emitola, the Northwest England and Midlands Regional Director. He reminded the audience to consider the camp theme of “Revive Us Again” and personalize it to “Revive Me.” He said this would ultimately bring revival in each church.

The first Sunday provided an incredible foretaste of the days to come.

We look forward to what God has in store for the remainder of the camp meeting.

occasion / dates
United Kingdom Camp Meeting
July 24-31, 2022