world report

Country Director and Sunday School Curriculum Introduced in Pakistan

Toba Tek Singh
February 2, 2023

From the Superintendent's DESK

The Apostolic Faith work in Pakistan continues to move forward, reaching more souls hungry to hear the Gospel message. The work began in September 2021 with Shabeeb Nadeem translating sermons from Apostolic Faith webcasts into Urdu and distributing them. Now it is overseen by our Southern Africa headquarters, and earlier this month, Felix Panganayi of Zimbabwe was appointed country director.

On January 12, Brother Shabeeb and four others gathered in Toba Tek Singh for an online introductory meeting with Brother Felix. The group established a plan of action, which includes visiting different communities to hold Sunday services and preach repentance, surrender, and salvation. Also, Brother Felix gave instruction on how to conduct Sunday school. Using the Search curriculum, he demonstrated how to begin a class, engage different age groups, and teach a lesson. The meeting concluded with a question-and-answer session. Then the participants were given copies of the Answer and Search Teacher’s Guide.

The following Sunday, January 15, the Toba Tek Singh congregation was joined for worship by eight Christian contacts from neighboring areas who run Sunday schools. An invitation had been extended to them to come and learn what Brother Felix had imparted. They received a demonstration of how to teach using the Search curriculum and were each given a teacher’s guide. Afterward, the participants shared their thoughts. Brother Sobab said, “This is really a great method for teaching kids. This will help not only the kids, but also the teachers to grow in their knowledge.” Sister Muskan said, “It is very beneficial for teachers to improve themselves and to teach the truth according to the Bible.”

Continuing the plan of action, Brother Shabeeb and Brother Zaigham traveled to Warispura, Faisalabad on January 26 for a church service. This city has been the main focus of the Pakistan work for more than a year, because of its large population. We have a small team of young brethren working to spread the Gospel here. Brother Shabeeb reports, “By the grace of God, we have seen the amazing power of the Holy Spirit working in this city. Many people have come to Jesus Christ and received salvation. We hope to see many more saved.”  

The service was held on the rooftop of a sister’s home. Brother Zaigham led the worship with Sister Muskan and the presence of the Holy Spirit was strongly felt. Several testified, including one sister who said she had four sons and asked God to bless her with a daughter. She praised God for answering her prayer and giving her a baby girl. Another sister shared that she was very sick and unable to move. She was prayed for and also asked Jesus to forgive her, and God saved and healed her. Brother Waseem testified that family tensions and having no job led him to become a drug addict, but the Lord took him out of that sin. Now he has been blessed with a job as well. Sister Sumbal gave God thanks for salvation and requested prayer for her unsaved siblings. For the message, Brother Shabeeb spoke on having a repentant heart and receiving salvation. Then Sister Sumbal led the closing prayer.

On January 27, a group from one of the villages near Faisalabad requested to hear the Gospel message. A team of six went and held a worship service with them, encouraging the people of the community to repent and enjoy the blessings of salvation, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

During the service, many children received Jesus and testified that He is the Light of the World.  An elderly woman also received healing from a cough. The team distributed Bibles and someone remarked, “Now Jesus, the Light of the World, will come into our homes and lives, and we will be saved.” The people were happy to receive the Bibles and requested that the team return regularly to teach them more about the three foundational Christian experiences. Upon leaving, one of our team reported, “We felt love and a passion for Jesus among these people.”

A visit was also made to Gol Phata, Faisalabad, by Brother Shabeeb on January 31. He went door-to-door with the Gospel message, encouraging people to repent and surrender their lives to Christ.

Brother Shabeeb reports that in addition to evangelism in neighboring communities, Sunday services are held at Toba Tek Singh, and many are receiving salvation, healing, and blessings. Let’s remember to support this new work in Pakistan with our prayers.

occasion / dates
Pakistan Country Director Appointed
January 2023