world report

2024 Korean Camp Meeting Highlights Basic Bible Doctrines

August 6, 2024

From the Superintendent's DESK

Anticipation and spiritual hunger filled the sanctuary as the first service of the 2024 Korean Camp Meeting began on Thursday evening, August 1. Saints had gathered at the headquarters church in Seoul from each of our six churches in Korea, and there was representation from outside the country as well. Yoshiki Ohno, who pastors our congregation in Kawasaki, Japan, and his wife, Rei, were privileged to attend both the Portland and Korean camp meetings this year.

The world headquarters was represented by Bill McKibben, Director of East Asia Work, and his wife, Lori. Brother Bill said this year’s camp meeting was unique in a few ways. For one, the song services were led by different young people from our various branches. For another, all the messages focused on the basic Bible doctrines upon which the Apostolic Faith Church was founded and continues to stand. He submitted this report of the camp meeting.

The first service began with a harmonica duet of “This Is My Father’s World” followed by an orchestra piece. Then Kim Jeong Min, Korea District Superintendent, welcomed us with an exhortation to seek the Lord and His very best for our lives during the week. We were very happy to see Brother Kim back after some months away dealing with illness. We thank God for the prayers of the saints and His power to heal and strengthen.

The meeting continued with a joyful song service led by one of our young men from Busan. The opening congregational prayer was followed by a choir song and a sweet testimony service. Before the sermon, a small choir from our Daejeon church sang “One Day,” which speaks of the end of all sorrow and pain when we get to Heaven and see Jesus. Taiwoo Park, from Seattle, Washington, was in Korea for work, and preached the opening message on “Salvation.” He noted that salvation is God’s solution for humanity’s sin problem and is made possible through Christ’s death on Calvary. The service concluded with prayer offered by Brother Yoshiki and then a wonderful altar service.

On Friday morning, the teaching service began with two sisters from Busan singing a vocal duet. After congregational singing, Kim Sang Gue, the Daegu pastor, led the opening prayer. The choir sang before testimonies were shared, and then Kim Yun Soon, wife of our Akyan pastor, sang before Brother Kim Jeong Min’s teaching on the topic of “Entire Sanctification.” He emphasized that God’s perfect plan for Christians includes forgiveness for committed sins and eradication of the sin nature, which makes us holy in motive. The closing prayer was led by Seo Ok Soo, pastor of our Akyang church, and again many gathered at the altar benches to seek the Lord.

The afternoon was free for many, as the ministers and their spouses gathered for a meeting. The session opened with Mark 14, the account of the woman who “did what she could” by anointing Jesus for His burial. The shepherds of God’s flock were reminded that they must also do what they can for the Lord. Comments given by the new Superintendent General at a ministers’ meeting during the Portland camp meeting were also shared. These included that the focus of the Apostolic Faith Church is still to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to evangelize in our generation as others have in past generations.

By the evening service, many additional saints had arrived, and the song service was especially good as blended voices filled the sanctuary. The congregational prayer was led by the Busan pastor, Ra Young Doo. The evening message was on “The Baptism of the Holy Ghost,” bringing out that our mission is the same as that of the Early Church: to evangelize the world. This can only be done through the power of the Holy Spirit, which is poured out on sanctified hearts. Following the message, there was a good response to the invitation to pray.

The Saturday morning Bible teaching featured beautiful music, including an orchestra piece, a choir number, and a song by a vocal ensemble from Seoul. It was inspiring to see the number of young song leaders God is raising up in the next generation. The opening prayer was led by Kang Kyung Yoon, who pastors our church in Okpo on the southern island of Goje. The teaching was on “The Second Coming of Christ” and noted that our belief and hope is rooted in the reality that Jesus will return just as He promised. The service closed in prayer as the altars filled with hungry seekers.

In the afternoon, the saints gathered to celebrate the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and the Washing of the Disciples’ Feet. After some opening words of encouragement and several hymns, Shin Soon Im, the assisting minister in Seoul, brought the message about the tokens given to help us remember Jesus’ broken Body and shed Blood given for us. She emphasized our need to both remember Christ’s sacrifice and to examine our hearts to make sure all is clear between us and the Lord. The pastors gathered around the emblems and consecrated them before passing them among the saints, who were on their knees in prayer.

For the Foot Washing message, Park Mi Jung, the assisting minister in Daejeon, shared that this act was a sign of Jesus’ love for His disciples. It must also be a sign of our love both for Jesus and for our brothers and sisters in Christ. She gave a touching physical example of what it is like to kneel and serve another. The men were then dismissed to an upstairs room where they washed one another’s feet while the women remained in the sanctuary to follow the Lord’s instructions. Upon completion, everyone came together again to sing a hymn and rejoice in God’s goodness before the closing prayer.

The sanctuary was full for the Saturday evening service, which began with an orchestra prelude followed by congregational singing. For the first music special, a combined choir sang a traditional Korean Christian hymn which was written in a pentatonic scale. To start the testimony service, those who were visiting from various locations were recognized. Then many shared testimonies of the great things God is doing in their lives. The last special was provided by a quartet from our Okpo church. Then the message centered on “God’s Calling and Authority.” The account was given of the Roman officer who requested healing for his servant. He told Jesus he was not worthy of a visit, but if He would just say the word, his servant would be healed. The congregation was reminded that when we follow God’s order and authority, He will speak the word for our needs as well. Brother Ra prayed the closing prayer before a powerful altar service that lasted several hours.

The final day of the camp meeting began with Sunday school for all ages. The children’s classes were held upstairs while the adults gathered in the sanctuary. The testimony of the new Superintendent General had already been translated into Korean and was shared. Everyone was encouraged that the Gospel continues to move forward.

The morning worship began with a beautiful children’s choir followed by the orchestra. Voices from the filled sanctuary rang out in praise as the congregation sang several hymns. Brother Yoshiki prayed the opening prayer, and the choir sang a beautiful number. Then Brother Kim Jeong Min read Romans 12:1-8 as the Scripture lesson. A small group from our Daegu church sang the last special before the sermon. The final message was taken from Romans 12 and noted that we are called to be vessels of worship in everyday life, transformed by grace and not conformed to the world. The saints were challenged to live as the body of Christ: loving, supporting, and caring for each other in unity. They were encouraged to live as reflections of Christ in the world to draw others to God’s saving grace. The closing prayer was prayed, and a final prayer service continued until it was time for a group photo before many of the saints returned to their respective homes.

The McKibbens are scheduled to return home shortly. Brother Bill asked that we continue to pray for God’s work in South Korea and throughout all Asia.

occasion / dates
2024 South Korea Camp Meeting
August 1-4, 2024