Grateful for God's Faithfulness

December 31, 2012

Grateful for God's Faithfulness

God has been so faithful to me. I was born into an Apostolic Faith family, and my parents were faithful to teach me the Word of God. Church activities were a part of normal life for us, but of course all of this didn’t make me a Christian.

As a child I prayed many times for salvation but I didn’t quite understand how to receive it. Then, when I was thirteen years old, we went to Mid-Wales for Youth Week, and on the last night one of my friends was saved as she prayed next to me. I was amazed, and I determined that I would get saved too. I asked the Lord to forgive all of my sins and He wonderfully saved me. I was ecstatic! I still have a photo of the two of us on the coach on the way back home; we were so happy that we were finally saved. Later, at our church in London, the Lord wonderfully sanctified me and filled me with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Then, when I was sixteen years old, I recommitted my life to God and renewed my experiences. The Lord has been with me ever since.

I am particularly thankful for God’s direction in my life. One major decision I had to make was regarding which university I would attend. I had a specific school in mind, but when I didn’t get accepted there, I realized I had to give everything over to God. After visiting several schools, the Lord showed me where He wanted me, and then worked out everything so that I ended up there.

While at the university, I also went through a spiritual schooling in which I learned so many things. Just before my final exams, I received a letter from the university falsely accusing me of stealing library material. There was an investigation and a hearing. It was a traumatic experience, but I am thankful for my parents and the youth at church who rallied around me in prayer. In the end, the administration found that there was no case against me, withdrew their decision to take away my degree qualification, and awarded me with a very good grade as well as an additional prize for a subject that wasn’t even my major.

Every time I have needed a job, the Lord has directed me. After one particular interview, He assured me that I would get the job. Before I even reached home, the telephone call came that the job was mine.

The area of marriage was one that I had a hard time giving over to God. While I was at the university, the Lord dealt with me on this issue, and I finally got to the point where I could say that I really trusted Him to take care of everything. Of course, God proved faithful once again, and in September 2007, I married a wonderful, God-fearing man.

Later, when our daughter was born, she was barely alive. I didn’t get to see or hold her because the medical professionals whisked her away to try and resuscitate her. Even though that was successful, she was put on life support. The following evening, we were told that she was not responding to medication and would probably not survive the night. We called our pastor who was at the Portland camp meeting, and he gathered some people to pray at the altars in the tabernacle. Because of the time difference, they prayed through the night for us. Our family and friends in London also prayed, and the Lord gave my husband an assurance that our daughter would live.

The next morning, the medical consultants were amazed; our little girl had survived and had started to respond to treatment. She spent several more days in special care but God was with us. Once, a nurse forgot to administer a medication, but they realized later that treatment would have caused additional complications. For almost two years we took her in for special check-ups and at each appointment the consultant was amazed and pleased at her development. We had been told that she might not be able to swallow or walk or talk, but she is now so active we can hardly keep her from running or talking!

God has been so faithful to our little family. He blessed us with another child, was with us when my husband was hospitalized with a serious medical issue, comforted us in family bereavement twice in succession, and encouraged us during unemployment and financial strain. I can’t imagine life without the Lord. I want to serve Him all the days of my life and see Him in Heaven.

apostolic faith magazine