Camp Meetings Resume Around the World

October 10, 2022

Camp Meetings Resume Around the World

Western and Central Africa (WECA): The two-week camp meeting began on Sunday, August 14, at the Faith City campground in Igbesa, Nigeria, with over sixteen thousand in attendance. After the first week, Reverend Isaac Adigun, the WECA District Superintendent, reported that God was blessing in a mighty way. The Friday and Sunday evening services had been preempted by prayer. This happened after hundreds stayed on their knees seeking God from the close of each service to the start of the next. In the days following, proving that God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, more than two thousand prayed through to salvation!

Ghana: Two weeks of prayer meetings at all branch locations in Accra preceded the camp meeting, held August 28 to September 11. The universal prayer was for God’s blessings to fall in abundance during the event.

The opening message was delivered by Reverend John Bekoe, the Ghana District Superintendent, and emphasized the camp theme of “O Lord, Revive Thy Work,” from Habakkuk 3:2. He reminded the congregants that current events point to the need for revival. Fervent prayer at the altars followed the service.

In the final weekend, a water baptismal service was held for ninety-one converts and nearly eight hundred participated in the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and Foot Washing.

Australia: The camp meeting, which ran from September 25 to October 2, was an inspiring time for all who participated. In line with this year’s theme of “Let Us Go Up to the Mountain of the Lord,” the services truly drew the attendees to the mountain of the Lord.

God helped the choir and orchestra to bless every meeting with joyous music. In addition, wonderful testimonies of victory were shared. One brother told how he was healed of cancer. Another said he had lived a life of crime until God saved him and set him on a new path. A third thanked God for delivering him from a bad car accident.

Following every meeting, people rushed to pour out their hearts to God in prayer. As the camp meeting came to an end, one participant commented, “We have received so many spiritual dividends this week. God has revived; God has healed; God has blessed in ways we cannot quantify.”

South Africa: Great altar services and music punctuated the camp meeting held at the Bapsfontein campground from October 2-9, and the first day’s services set the tone. During the morning meeting, Reverend Confidence Nemaungani, the South Africa District Superintendent, welcomed the one thousand in attendance. He then invited everyone to stand and sing the National Anthem, “Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika,” which means, “Lord Bless Africa.” Throughout the service, the music varied by language and was outstanding. The message was taken from Luke 10:1-9 and 17, focusing on “A Gospel Light that Works.” There was a rush to the altars as the sermon was concluding and earnest prayer followed.  

In the afternoon, a youth service was held, and one young man testified to praying through to salvation earlier that morning. The sermon was from Genesis 35:1-2 on going “Back to Bethel.” There was a great response from the youth, and a tremendous prayer meeting followed. That evening, a fiery message was delivered on the topic of “choices,” and there was another rush to the altars.

apostolic faith magazine