Expansion Worldwide

History Book
History Book
History Book

Since the establishment of its headquarters in Portland, the Apostolic Faith Church has branched out into the international community. Literature mailed from the church to foreign countries made many initial contacts. In countries around the globe, spiritually hungry people who read the Gospel truths published by this organization gathered in groups to worship God, and many of them later came under the leadership of the Portland headquarters. At times, ministers and workers from Apostolic Faith churches in the United States have traveled to other countries, meeting with the literature contacts, holding meetings, and aiding in the establishment of affiliate churches.

In countries around the globe, spiritually hungry people gather to worship God and spread the Gospel message.

Today, Apostolic Faith branch churches are sprinkled across six continents. One of the unique characteristics of the Apostolic Faith organization is its global unity and consistent manner of worldwide operation. Those who travel to branch churches throughout the world feel at home spiritually, even though surroundings, languages, and cultures may be vastly different. Visitors who come to Portland for the annual camp meeting conventions feel the same special sense of unity.

A group of Gospel workers gather on a street corner in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to hold a service and invite listeners to church.