world report

Victorious Virtual Camp Meeting in Australia

October 6, 2020

The Australia camp meeting, held annually in Sydney, was conducted online this year. Though it was preceded by some uncertainty as to how the blessings of the past could be experienced in such a different setting, it was a great success.

Apart from the Australian brethren who joined from various locations in New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, and Queensland, some were also from Canada, Namibia, Nigeria, New Zealand, the United Kingdom (U.K.), and the United States.

Sam Ajayi, Director of Australia Work, provided this report of the services, which began on Sunday, September 27, and continued through October 4.

With gratitude to God for His goodness and descending grace, we lift our collective voices to thank the Lord for giving us a very grand and victorious 2020 virtual camp meeting in Australia.

Throughout the services, the music was provided by mainly Australian families, and this was the case with the opening prelude. The family of Ernest Akerejola, the Sydney pastor, sang “Great and Marvelous Are Thy Works.” In addition, Christian and Osibi Akerejola played a violin and flute duet. This was followed by Lekan Olagookun singing “We Thank Thee.” Then, before the message, the Akerejola family sang a faith-boosting “You Can Move that Mountain.”

The morning service started the camp meeting on a high note, echoing the theme of “Give Me this Mountain.” The high note was sustained throughout the week with each sermon and teaching reiterating the same message of digging deeper for more of God’s requirements and blessings. The children’s meetings and youth services were equally inspiring.

With brethren attending virtually from several international locations, we were blessed to hear a variety of victorious testimonies. We heard about how God wonderfully intervened in two dire immigration cases that by all accounts seemed hopeless. The Lord speedily and miraculously resolved the situations for the two families.

In other testimonies, a sister from the U.K. told how the Lord has blessed her in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. She has been able to attend more camp meetings than usual, and without paying for the journey to be physically present. In addition, the Lord has blessed her family financially throughout this time. Also, a brother from Namibia thanked the Lord for bringing him into the Gospel several years ago and keeping him.

One brother glorified God in testifying about two miracles that began with last year’s camp meeting. He said he had brought his sister-in-law to the camp meeting to be prayed for because she was unable to have children. The ministers offered a simple prayer of faith for her, and God undertook; she became pregnant during the year. However, when it was time to deliver, the baby stopped breathing. The woman was prayed for again, and God answered again. The brother testifying hoisted the baby in praise to the Lord for His goodness.

A young man who got saved last year on the last day of camp meeting testified about how God has not only changed his life but also his environment. He said the joy of salvation is deep in his soul, and the Lord has also given him the best grades in his studies. Another testified that because of the Australia combined online meetings, instituted under the COVID-19 restrictions, he has experienced a continuous feeling of revival. He said he always looks forward to the monthly meetings, which feature pre-recorded messages.

It is remarkable that the Lord has kept every one of the Australian brethren safe and untouched by the coronavirus outbreak. We give God the glory for the great things He had done for us, including during this camp meeting.

The Australia camp meeting was such a success that, should the Lord tarry, they plan to integrate an online component into next year’s event. The 2021 Australia camp meeting is scheduled for September 23 to October 3, with the Melbourne special meetings following on October 8-10.

This year’s Melbourne special meetings are scheduled to begin this coming weekend. We pray the Lord’s blessings will continue in Australia as they go forth.

occasion / dates
Australia Camp Meeting
September 27 - October 4