world report

Pullman Special Meetings

October 20, 2022

The special meetings held at the Apostolic Faith Church in Pullman, Washington, on September 16-18 were preceded by three days of soul-searching prayer meetings. The opening service on Friday evening began with a piano prelude, “Lord, I Hear of Showers of Blessings,” followed by the Serenaders playing “The Blood Medley.” Then the choir sang “Come, Holy Spirit.” Samuel Oni led the congregational singing, and Lee Spakousky gave the middle prayer. Olusola Adesope, pastor in Pullman, introduced the guest minister, Dave Lambert, pastor in Portland, Oregon, and his wife, Rosie. Other visitors were also recognized from Portland, as well as Port Angeles, Washington, and Langley, B.C., Canada. A male quartet sang “Send a Great Revival” to open the testimony portion of the service. Sister Rosie shared that she was saved at the age of four, and then reconsecrated her life as a young adult. Other testimonies given by Jill Baros, Femi Adenekan, and Ruth Adaramola highlighted God’s power to save, keep, and protect from danger. Before the sermon, a mixed ensemble sang “I Just Feel Like Something Good Is About to Happen.” Brother Dave read Luke 19:1-3 for his text, bringing out that Zacchaeus made the effort to see Jesus, not realizing that would be the last time Jesus would pass that way. He emphasized the need to seek the Lord today, and a blessed time of prayer followed.

After breakfast on Saturday morning, out-of-town visitors were given the opportunity to tour the Pullman area, as well as Moscow, Idaho, ending with a luncheon and time of fellowship. A youth concert that evening included choir and orchestra selections. The choir sang, “Hallelujah, Amen, from Judas Maccabaeus” and “The Power of Your Love.” A soloist sang “The Potter’s Hand” and “Sweeter as the Days Go By.” Following a devotional by Brother Dave titled “Redeeming the Time” in which he encouraged everyone to be ready for Jesus’ soon return, the orchestra played “I Sing the Mighty Power” and “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus.” Other vocal selections included “Hallelujah, He Set Me Free,” “Every Praise,” and “Down by the Riverside.” The concert concluded with the choir and a soloist singing “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” and “Joy in My Heart.”

The Sunday morning service began with a piano solo, “Praise Medley,” followed by the choir singing “I Can Almost Hear the Sound of the Trumpet.” Florin Baros, from Port Angeles, led the congregational singing, and Steve Mixer gave the middle prayer. A vocal ensemble sang “Days of Elijah,” followed by the Scripture reading by Joshua Adaramola taken from Mark 5:25-34. Before the sermon, a mixed quartet sang “It Could Happen in a Moment.” Brother Dave took his text from Mark 5:25-26, bringing out that the woman with the issue of blood had to press her way through the crowd, but today the altars are readily available for anyone who is determined to receive something from the Lord. The service ended with a refreshing time of prayer around the altars.

A buffet luncheon was served before everyone departed to their various destinations. Those who attended the special meetings felt spiritually refreshed with a renewed sense of Jesus’ imminent return. The prayer is that the blessings received will encourage and strengthen each one in the days to come.

occasion / dates
Special Meetings
September 16-18