world report

Sacramento Special Meetings

October 19, 2023

During the weekend of September 29 to October 1, many people from our congregations along the West Coast gathered for Sacramento special meetings. The guest minister was Dave Lambert, pastor of the Portland church. The theme verse for the weekend was Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.”

The service on Friday evening began with a delightful trumpet duet from Richmond, California. The Sacramento choir sang “Soul on Fire” before several of those present shared testimonies of the Lord’s work in their lives. Jordyn Sletmoe told how she doesn’t always know what is coming next in her life, but the Lord continues to hold on to her and lead her. Rosemary Worthington shared how the Lord has been doing miracles in her life, including giving her peace. Before the sermon, Roxie Rael and Rosie Lambert sang “Gotta Get to Jesus.” Brother Dave spoke about spiritual nutrition and said choosing to feed the flesh does not satisfy and is spiritually fatal. He explained that what people consume daily will affect their actions and appetites when they come into the Lord’s presence. He closed the message by inviting everyone to come to the table of grace, reminding those present that God extends an invitation for all to taste and see that He is good.

On Saturday morning, Howard Wilson, from Woodlake, California, gave a devotional on the topic of marriage. He applied the acronym L.A.S.T. to help those in attendance consider ways to make a marriage last. L stood for “loving communication”; A stood for “agree spiritually” and encourage each other in the Lord; S stood for “strict financial responsibility”; and T stood for a “thriving, unshakeable commitment” to the marriage through the Lord’s strength. After a time of prayer, the group enjoyed fellowship and lunch together. Later Saturday afternoon, a nearby gym was open for people to hang out and play volleyball and basketball.

The Saturday evening youth service began with a saxophone solo of “Blessed Be the Name,” followed by a young men’s group singing “I Go to the Rock.” Several testimonies were shared, and a combined youth choir sang “That’s When God Steps In.” Before the sermon, Michael Hancock sang “It Matters to the Master.” Randy Lee, from Medford, Oregon, was the guest minister that evening. He spoke about how Esau let go of God’s precious blessing because he craved the wrong things. Like Esau, people often prioritize things that bring no eternal hope or glory. He urged the congregation to starve themselves of the things of this world and then they can be filled with the Lord’s good meat–His Spirit and good gifts.

Sunday morning included a violin solo by Annika Ewers. A young ladies’ group sang “Above All” before Howard Wilson brought the Scripture reading from Luke 23:33-43. The Mixer family from Woodlake sang “Anchor to the Power of the Cross” before the sermon. Brother Dave discussed how two of the crosses at Calvary represented two choices. Like the proud thief, people can die in their sins, or like the repentant thief, people can die to their sins. Many people want to be saved from their circumstances without experiencing change in their hearts. However, the Lord will save people on His terms, when they come in faith and with repentant hearts.

The final service of the weekend began with an instrumental group playing “Holy, Holy, Holy” and “My Anchor Holds.” Later, a Budean family quartet sang “A Hungry Heart.” Brother Dave took his text from Proverbs 29:1. He spoke on how God is merciful and gracious, but also righteous. Though He corrects in love for a time, there is a point of no return when judgment will come. Some people resist the call of God through procrastination, but it is best to answer immediately when He calls because that call can stop. 

The meetings were a blessing to those who came with open hearts, ready to receive what God had for them.

occasion / dates
Special Meetings
9/29/23 - 10/1/23