world report

Reston, Virginia New Year Services

Reston, VA
March 23, 2021

The theme of Reston, Virginia’s weekend of New Year Revival was “Behold, I Will Do A New Thing.” And God is certainly doing new things in the lives of His children in 2021! The guest speaker was Reverend James Timbilla of the Apostolic Faith Church in Wharton, New Jersey. Saints from Washington, D.C., and Wharton joined Reston virtually, with many also providing musical renditions—including a combined Reston-D.C.-Wharton spliced virtual choir singing “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” “Peace, Be Still,” and “Take My Hand, Precious Lord.” Several participants also shared testimonies of God’s mighty works of salvation, sanctification, and baptism of the Holy Spirit.

In his message on Friday evening, Reverend Timbilla brought out that people are in one of three spiritual conditions: those who are not yet saved, those who have been saved but are stagnant and not spiritually victorious, and those who are saved and are overcomers. Based on Isaiah 43:18-19, Brother James emphasized that God can meet the needs of each heart, no matter what condition it is presently in.

On Saturday morning there was a career seminar, with nearly one hundred joining live through online platforms. Several shared their job experiences and provided guidance on finding the right career path, along with encouragement for participants to maintain spiritual diligence and humility. The teaching was inspiring!

In Saturday evening’s evangelistic service, several shared their stories of coming to the Lord for salvation. Others thanked God for health and healing. Brother James’ message emphasized that God expects people to be born again. God spoke to Israel through Isaiah saying, “Behold, I will do a new thing” (Isaiah 43:19). God is ready to bless today also, but the heart must be right with God to receive His blessing. Those who have not dealt with the issue of sin and been born again will have a problem. Each one must also be sanctified wholly and pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Believers must uphold their end of the covenant. Brother James concluded by asking, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36).

The closing service on Sunday morning combined the Reston fellowship group with the D.C. and Wharton congregations, and included a review of the history of the work in Reston. Solomon Olubiyi and his wife, whom God used to start the Reston work, testified of God’s goodness in their lives, and Bode and Serah Olanrewaju testified of how God gave them a child after she suffered a miscarriage. Reverend Josephine McElveen, the District Superintendent of the Southern and Eastern United States, read from Ezekiel 37:1-14. Then Brother James delivered a sermon focused on Ezekiel's vision of the dry bones being restored to life. God promised that He would breathe new life into the dry bones, which represented the Israelites in Babylonian captivity. And today, God will breathe new life into hearts that are seeking and are submitted to Him. Indeed, the saints who attended the special services over the weekend in Reston proved that to be true!

occasion / dates
Reston New Year's Services
January 29-31, 2021