world report

Prayer Yields Results at Southern Africa Camp Meeting

January 2, 2023

From the Superintendent's DESK

The concluding week of the Southern Africa regional camp meeting in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, saw many more victories won. Here is a report of each day, beginning with Monday, December 12, written by attendees. 

Monday Bible Teaching

The Bible teaching included testimonies of lives transformed through salvation, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. An elderly lady said she is thankful for the miraculous healing in her marriage and family since she and her husband surrendered their lives to God. She also praised God for healing her of a cataract, saying He is not limited by a person’s age. 

The message was given by Zacchaeus Oyedokun, District Superintendent of Namibia, on “Working the Works of God.” Taking his opening Scripture from Jeremiah 11:29, he encouraged the congregation to prioritize the work of God above all else. He said God created each person with a purpose and will bless and use those who align their talents with His will. The message provoked soul-searching, and the congregation was stirred to pray. As the last song of “Bringing in the Sheaves” was sung, many went to the altars.   

Tuesday Bible Teaching

For the Bible teaching, Lordick Motshidisi, District Superintendent of Botswana, spoke on “Keeping the Word of God.” Using text from John 7:37-38 and John 14:6, he explained God’s plan of redemption, saying Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Through His Blood, atonement was made for all people, providing direct access to God. He said Jesus was fully man and fully God, enabling Him to be a worthy High Priest and Companion to the redeemed. Jesus continues to invite people to take advantage of the grace offered by God and will see the saints through to Heaven. The service ended with people rushing to the altars to pray.

Tuesday Evangelistic Service

The evening service began with a piano prelude of “Through it All” followed by an orchestra number and then the choir singing “Sinner Come Home.” After the announcements, a vocal ensemble from Zambia sang a beautiful song in a local dialect. Then the testimonies centered on gratitude. One man thanked God for salvation and his wife. A father said he is thankful God saved his two sons when he had nearly given up hope. A third man thanked God for re-anointing him with the power of the Holy Spirit during the camp meeting.  

The message was delivered by Jameson Nkiwane, the Bulawayo Provincial Overseer. He preached on the “Rivers of Life,” using text from Genesis 26:14-33. He said that just as Isaac re-dug the wells of his father, Abraham, believers must continue in the living waters Christ has provided. He also spoke of the woman who met Christ at the well. He said her life was changed by the living waters of Christ, and everyone at the camp meeting can experience the same. The service ended with the song “Nothing but the Blood,” and as the choir sang, many went to the altars to pray.

Wednesday Bible Teaching

A piano prelude of “My Sheep Know My Voice” began the service and was followed by the choir piece “I Come to the Garden Alone.” Then the congregation sang “Blessed Be the Tie that Binds,” “Close to Thee,” and a song in a local dialect. During the testimonies, one brother told how God has been faithful to guide him through school from junior high to receiving a master’s degree. A sister testified of being miraculously healed of a broken leg.

The song before the message was “The Church of God is One.” Then Zimbabwe Board Member Kwaziso Bhosha took his beginning text from John 4:10 and preached on “Christian Unity Without Compromise.” He noted that the furniture in the sanctuary came from different sources and locations but was crafted for a specific purpose and forms a complete setting. He said that likewise, people come to camp meeting with differing backgrounds and ethnicities. When they submit to God, His Spirit transforms and unites them for His purpose. The congregation was encouraged to surrender their lives to God and become part of the Body of Christ. The service ended with a good time of prayer.

Wednesday Youth Service

The youth service message was given by Michael Zano of Botswana on “Our God is Not Dead!” He began by reading Jeremiah 17:7-10 and then asking, “Do you know why you are here?” He said people attend church for many reasons. Some are even in a backslidden condition and content to remain that way. However, the Holy Spirit is faithful to speak to hearts. He closed by urging the young people to heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit and fully surrender their lives to Christ. Many of them responded by praying.

Wednesday Evangelistic Service

The evening service overflowed with testimonies from people thankful for salvation, sanctification, and healing. Then before the message, Kudakwashe Jongwe sang “Never Give Up.” For the sermon on “Warning Against Sin,” Sydney Kaseke of Mount Pleasant, Zimbabwe, took his text from Ezekiel 33:7-9. He said God hates sin but loves the sinner. In His mercy, He provided a remedy for sin through His Son, Jesus Christ, and has given ample opportunity for people to repent. Still today, anyone who turns away from their sins in faith, will be forgiven that very moment.

Thursday Bible Teaching

The prelude for the Bible teaching began with a piano duet of “Have You Counted the Cost.” Then the choir and orchestra performed “Ye Must Be Born Again.” The title of this song was the same as the theme for the teaching by Edson Mutsambwa, pastor in Masvingo, Zimbabwe. He read John 3:1-7 and said there was something about Jesus that caused Nicodemus to recognize that He was of God. Similarly, Christians should be recognizable as followers of Christ by their actions. There was another good prayer meeting following the service.  

Thursday Evangelistic Service  

A violin solo of “Amazing Grace,” played by Aubriet Zano began the service. The last special before the service was “Life’s Runway.” Then Sokisi Zule, pastor in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe, preached on “Jesus, the Light of the World.” Reading from John 8:12, he said there is no other light outside of Jesus. Anyone who does not receive Jesus, will live in spiritual darkness for eternity. He urged everyone to be ready for the Lord’s soon return.

Friday Bible teaching

The final Bible teaching was taken from Hebrews 11:1, which speaks of the substance and evidence of faith. Confidence Nemaungani, South Africa District Superintendent, taught on “The Faith of Old Needed Today.” Using the example of Abraham, he said God will fulfil His promises in those who wait patiently on Him in faith. He said God is calling Christians today to place their trust in Him.

Friday Youth Service

The last youth meeting served as a reminder that God is faithful to draw souls to Himself. Talmud Msindazi of Harare, Zimbabwe, brought the message on “God’s Vineyard.” Taking his text from Isaiah 5:1-7, he exhorted the youth to use every opportunity God gives. He said that one day, the husbandman will cut down the unfruitful tree. Many young people rushed to the altars following the service.

Saturday Ordinances and Water Baptism

On Saturday, many saints gathered in the church to sing and hear the Word of God before observing the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper. Evans Mhlanga, pastor at Hatfield, Zimbabwe, gave the message from Matthew 26:26-28 and 1 Corinthians 11:23–34. Then the congregation solemnly went to prayer as the ministers served the emblems. Next, the men and women separated to observe the Foot Washing ordinance. It was a joyous time of fellowship, which concluded with singing.  

In the afternoon, a water baptismal service was held for 107 candidates, and the day concluded with praise and worship through an evening of music.  

Sunday Devotional Service

On Sunday morning, December 18, the choir began the final service of the camp meeting by singing a marvellous arrangement of “Praise Ye the Lord.” Then before the message, Rebecca Mucharangwanda sang a beautiful “God Will Take Care of You.” Oniyas Gumbo, Southern Africa District Superintendent, gave the sermon from Galatians 2:20 on “Serving God with Your Substance.” He noted the widow who gave all she had and said one cannot outgive God. He cautioned against being stingy with alms, robbing God of tithes and offerings, and shifting reliance from God to money. He also reminded the saints that God wants to bless. The service concluded with a wonderful time of prayer.

For many, the 2022 Southern Africa regional camp meeting was a time of spiritual renewal. As people tarried at the altars in prayer after every service, God poured out His Spirit. Among the blessings, thirty-one reported receiving salvation, eleven sanctification, and five the baptism of the Holy Spirit. In addition, many left the camp meeting healed.   

occasion / dates
2022 Southern Africa Camp Meeting
December 12-18, 2022