world report

Counting Our Blessings at Close of WECA Camp Meeting

Faith City, Igbesa
August 30, 2022

From the Superintendent's DESK

The Western and Central Africa (WECA) camp meeting concluded on Sunday, August 28. In the final weekend, over one thousand were baptized in water . . . nearly five thousand participated in an ordinance service . . . more than eleven thousand joined in singing “Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken” . . . nearly ten thousand reported answers to prayer . . . and it was announced that four babies had been born. Here is the report of the closing activities, written by various volunteers.

Friday, August 26
Water Baptismal Service
On Friday morning, the saints gathered outside to sing praises to God and encourage the 1,003 candidates waiting in line to be water baptized. The new converts gave brief interviews professing Christ and claiming salvation from their lives of sin before entering the baptistery. There, ministers were waiting at twenty-four stations to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost by full immersion in accordance with the Scriptures. It was a joyous occasion for all.

Ordinance Service
In the afternoon, the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper was observed in the tabernacle. To begin, Isaac Adigun, the WECA District Superintendent, gave a brief address to clarify the purpose for the observance and who is eligible to participate. This was followed by the congregational song “According to Thy Gracious Word” and the opening prayer. 

The exhortation on the ordinance was delivered by Segun Ajiboye who took Luke 22:17 for his opening text. He admonished all to examine their hearts as commanded in 1 Corinthians 11:21-28 before partaking of the ordinance. Following this, the participants went on their knees in prayer as the ministers prayed over the emblems and then passed them among the saints.  

The audience was stirred from prayer by the hymn “Blessed Be the Tie” and then Samuel Inyang gave the message on the ordinance of Foot Washing from John 13. The men then separated from the woman and the congregation sang joyfully as they washed each other’s feet. Afterward, several music specials and testimonies were enjoyed. Also, Rachael Fakorede, the WECA Director of Missions, reported on the wonderful things God is doing with foreign missions, particularly in Mali, a predominantly Muslim country. The ordinance service closed with congregational singing of “Let Us, with a Gladsome Mind” and prayer led by Solomon Okon.

Saturday, August 27
Sunday School Teacher Conference
A Sunday school teacher’s conference included a review of the next day’s lesson, an exhortation from the Book of Titus, and an introduction to the new WECA website.

Sunday, August 28
Sunday School
During the Sunday school general assembly, a program was presented by children from the Ogun region of Nigeria. It included a skit centered on the revival that facilitated the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem under Nehemiah. The young evangelists encouraged the congregation to catch the revival fire and spread it.

Following the children’s program, everyone was dispersed to small classes organized by age or language. Felicia Moh taught the main adult class on the lesson of “Paul’s Final Work in Asia” with text from Acts 20:1-32. She challenged the students to ask God for a sustained zeal to continue sharing the Gospel of Christ with the world.

Devotional Service
Nearly twelve thousand attended the morning service, which began with the orchestra playing “Stayed Upon Jehovah.” Among the congregational songs, “Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken” was sung as a joyful praise to God for making the 2022 camp meeting a success.  

Before the message, a male quartet sang “It Shall Be Well.” Then Darrel Lee, the Superintendent General, took his text from John 7:37-38, which includes “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.” He said Jesus extends a personal invitation to every thirsty soul. He encouraged the congregation to seek after the living water, which satisfies the soul. As the altar call was given, the congregation sang “Blessed Invitation from the King of Heaven,” and many went forward to pray. 

Youth Meeting
To begin the youth service, a flutist thrilled the congregation with a praise medley. In the same spirit, the choir sang “No Longer a Slave.” Then the congregation sang heartily of consecration with “O Jesus, I Have Promised.”

During the testimony time, many told of receiving answers to prayer since the start of the camp meeting. One brother said his spirit was revived. Another said God healed him of an ulcer. A sister said she had joy because cold symptoms that had lingered since December were gone. Another said God had brought her through depression after the loss of her mother.

A solo of “May the Good Lord Keep You” followed the testimonies. Then Sanmi Alonge preached from Jeremiah 32:26 on the prerequisites for receiving the impossible from God.

Evangelistic Service
A brass ensemble started the farewell service with “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Then the choir sang “Let’s Just Praise the Lord” and “Get All Excited.” Testimonies were open to all, and one brother said he came with nothing, but leaves with all his needs provided for and an ongoing cough healed. A sister praised God for bringing her back to the Gospel after twenty years. Another brother said he was blind, but God healed him.  

Following the testimonies, a duet sang “Must I Go Empty Handed?” Then Segun Adeliyi delivered the message from Judges 1:14-15 on “Give Me a Blessing.” The service ended with prayer around the altars and the parting song “God Be with You till We Meet Again.”  

We praise God for the revival spirit felt during the 2022 WECA camp meeting and for numerous answers to prayer. Among the 9,898 blessings reported, 2,128 new names were written in Heaven, 1,167 were sanctified wholly, and 558 received the Holy Ghost and fire. In addition, over two thousand went home healed.

Following the camp meeting, Brother Isaac and I toured the Faith City property, including agriculture land, before driving back to Lagos. On Tuesday, we had a nice luncheon with much of the headquarters leadership team. Afterward I had the opportunity to meet with representatives from the Congo and Liberia, as well as one from Zambia. They depend upon our prayers. Tomorrow, we drive to the Republic of Benin to visit branch churches in the days ahead.

occasion / dates
2022 Western and Central Africa (WECA) Camp Meeting
August 14-28, 2022