world report

Phoenix Special Meetings

March 18, 2024

During the weekend of February 9-11, the Phoenix Apostolic Faith Church held special meetings that brought people from different parts of Arizona. Also present were brethren from Yakima, Washington, and Sacramento and Tehachapi, California.

The Friday evening meeting opened with a violin solo, “Our God Is an Awesome God” and “That Beautiful Name.” The service continued with congregational singing including “Revive Us Again” and “There Shall Be Showers of Blessings.” The testimony service was opened by Bunmi Ogundipe. She testified of God’s tender mercy and loving kindness in relentlessly calling her to repentance after she had walked away from her childhood experience of God’s love. She told of God’s constancy since the day she finally surrendered her life and self-will to Jesus. Sister Bunmi was saved, sanctified, and baptized at a special revival service that took place in 1984 after a camp meeting. She affirmed that the same Jesus who saved her almost forty years ago is still the same today and will be forevermore.

Tammy Lamp testified that it only took her saying “yes” to God for Him to come into her heart on November 7, 1973. Since then, He has always been there for her, and she has never felt alone. She mentioned that there is nothing better than having Jesus in her life and that God is more to her than just the God of the Bible times. Albert Udofia testified of how God delivered him from drugs after being saved at a youth rally in 1980. At the rally, the question was asked, “Where will you spend eternity?” He finally surrendered to God and was miraculously saved. He also mentioned how God wonderfully delivered him from a ghastly automobile accident that could have ended his life, but God gave him a second chance and today he is blessed with a wife and children who are serving the Lord with him.

Pete Sferle, the pastor in Sacramento and one of the guest ministers for the weekend, introduced the theme of the special meetings: “Jesus Our Creator, Savior, and Advocate.” He took his text from the theme verse, Hebrews 13:8. He mentioned that it is a fact, true and confirmed by that evening's testimonies, that God never changes. Although modern society is fast-changing with technological advancement in all areas of life, God remains the same. Brother Pete also referred to Exodus 3:14, where God told Moses to tell the children of Israel that “I AM hath sent me to you,” and that He was the same God of their fathers, who is the same forever. I AM, the One from the beginning, who never changes, whose promises never change, is the same powerful, miracle-working God today. 

The Saturday morning service began with the congregation singing “Wonderful Words of Life.” Amos Ogundipe followed, giving a short testimony on how he grew up in a polygamous nominal Christian home. To the glory of God, he found the Gospel and was saved at age twenty-one on February 11, 1970. He testified of victory over life’s challenges from that time until today. The Bible study was led by Mark Staller, the pastor in Tehachapi. He again focused on the weekend's theme through an interactive study in which each section ended with a piano piece. The study concluded with a prayer session.

A Saturday evening service began with a prelude by the choir singing “Surely Goodness and Mercy Shall Follow Me.” This was followed by a solo rendition of “Wonderful, Merciful Savior.” Following the congregational singing and opening prayer was another inspiring testimony session. Omololu Balogun told of how he was genuinely saved after he had lived with only a pretense of Christianity for some time. At one point in his life, he was incarcerated for a crime he did not commit, and the case involved a powerful individual in Africa. With no hope of getting out, he turned to God and prayed earnestly for deliverance. After almost seven months in prison, he was miraculously discharged and acquitted of any wrongdoing. The same God who delivered Joseph from prison is still the same today! 

Brother Pete took his text from Hebrews 1:1-3. He talked about what Jesus is doing for people today, reading Hebrews 1:4 and emphasizing that Jesus is better than the angels, Abraham, Moses, and all Old Testament prophets and priests. He encouraged his listeners not to turn back because they have a better priest in Jesus: His Blood is better and He offers better salvation through God’s grace.

The Sunday morning service started with an organ prelude followed by the choir singing “Come and Dine.” Before the Scripture reading, Brother Mark gave a testimony of what God is doing in the Tehachapi church. Then, Brother Pete took his text from Hebrews 11:5 and 13:8, emphasizing that Jesus lives forever and expounding on what that means for people today. He stated that Enoch walked with God and pleased God, and God took him to Heaven alive. If people walk with God and please Him today, He will also rapture them and take them unto Himself to live forever. The meeting ended with an altar call and then the organ playing “God Be with You.”

All in all, attendees were inspired by the music, the Word of God, the testimonies, and the opportunity to draw closer to God in prayer. Everyone enjoyed opportunities for sweet fellowship at the end of every meeting and they were treated to a delicious meal before going home. The Phoenix Special Meetings were a huge success to the glory of God.

occasion / dates
Special Meetings
February 9-11, 2024